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Резюме от 10.09.2024

Translator, copywriter, content writer

Основная информация

Имя, Фамилия:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Дата рождения:
26 Мая 1990 (34 года)
11 лет 2 месяца
Вид занятости:
Full-time, Part-time, Гибкий график
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Эл. почта:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Социальные сети:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP

Сфера деятельности

Limbi străine / Traduceri

Обо мне

Throughout my career, I have honed my ability to deliver engaging and persuasive writing/translation that resonates with diverse audiences. I thrive on creating content that not only meets but exceeds client expectations.

I would like to work in a company that respects their employees and allows them to develop professionally. 

Oпыт (11 лет 2 месяца )



Апрель 2024 - Июнь 2024
(2 месяца )
Educational Content Creator


Wrote educational materials (online-courses) for the sales, management and IT
Proofread the guidelines, source materials; created educational videos, brainstormed
ideas with the team.
Your Story Interactive


Июль 2020 - Август 2023
(3 года 1 месяц )
Narrative Designer/Writer


Launched the story "Sophie's Ten Wishes" on company's app Romance Club.
Created the script for the story, which included three seasons, 10-12 chapters each.
Created detailed character profiles, including backstories and motivations that
informed in-game dialogue and interactions.
Developed branching narratives based on player decisions.
Created the mood of the story, environment assets, character assets, trinkets, etc.
Provided creative input during brainstorming sessions regarding various aspects of
the story including characters, locations, environments, etc.
Worked closely with the game artists on characters, environments and trinkets.
Wrote the story in the narrative scripting language Inky.
Simpals DEV


Январь 2020 - Июль 2020
(6 месяцев)
Assistant Manager, Content Manager, Translator


Assistant Manager
Delegated daily tasks to team members to optimize group productivity.
Work on an ambitious project named SONR.
Launched the device alongside CFO and CEO of the company.

Content Manager
Created social media campaigns across various platforms.
Devised digital media strategies to optimize reach and engagement with content.
Interacted with users and followers across digital platforms to encourage dialogue.

Translated client documents between languages.
Proofread translations to identify and correct punctuation, grammatical and
translation errors.
Provided translation as an interpreter for meetings.
OmniScriptum GmbH


Август 2016 - Ноябрь 2019
(3 года 3 месяца )
Acquisition Editor


Created a data base of leads consisting of authors from all around the world.
Established connections between our company and authors.
Reviewed and edited manuscripts.
Decided readiness of manuscripts for publication and approved final versions.


Сентябрь 2015 - Май 2016
(8 месяцев)


Proofread translations to identify and correct punctuation, grammatical and
translation errors.
Translated client documents between languages.
Delivered translation services to clients.
Translated important departmental materials.
SovaMax GmbH


Август 2013 - Август 2015
(2 года )
Buying Representative German Market


Identifying and contacting customers.
Creating contracts and offers for sales and purchases.
Pirau Irina I.E.


Январь 2013 - Июнь 2013
(5 месяцев)
Translator/Office manager


Translated client documents between languages.
Proofread translations to identify and correct punctuation, grammatical and
translation errors.
Delivered translation services to clients.
EuroDex LLC


Май 2012 - Июнь 2013
(1 год 1 месяц )
Translator/office manager


• Translated client documents between languages:
Romanian - English and vice versa.
Russian - English and vice versa.
Romanian - German and vice versa.
German - English and vice versa.
• Delivered translation services to clients.

Образование (Высшее)

09.2007 - 05.2012
Balti State University "Alecu Russo"

Факультет, специальность: German and English translator

Город: Бельцы

Знание языков

Румынский — Родной
Русский — Родной
Английский — Эксперт
Немецкий — Средний
Французский — Средний
Ключевые навыки
Humour Empathy Creativity Communication Adaptability Foreign languages Copywriting Teamwork Time Management Microsoft Word Translation Writing

Водительские права

Категория — B

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