Mai multe informații despre CV și posibilitatea de a contacta candidatul vor fi disponibile după înregistrare.
CV de la 09.04.2024

Sunt gata să accept orice funcție

Informații de bază

Nume, Prenume:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
Data nașterii:
31 Octombrie 1996 (28 ani)
7 ani 10 luni
Program de lucru:
Număr de contact:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
Rețele sociale:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP

Domeniul de activitate

Transport / Distribuție Vânzări

Experiență (7 ani 10 luni)



Octombrie 2023 - Martie 2024
(5 luni)
Order Picker
Eschaton Group SRL


Noiembrie 2022 - Septembrie 2023
(10 luni)
Sales Director


• Owning and hitting/exceeding annual sales targets within assigned territory and accounts
• Developing and executing strategic plan to achieve sales targets and expand our customer base
• Building and maintaining strong, long-lasting customer relationships
Sligro Food Group


Mai 2022 - Noiembrie 2022
(6 luni)


Checking collected products for numbers and quality. Sorting,
placing on route and scanning the (fresh) products that came in
at night. Compiling and preparing the orders on route and
customer. Moving the orders to the correct route. Identifying
possible deviations and taking the correct follow-up actions.
Transferring valuable orders to the driver using a pocket
Agora Personal GmbH


Noiembrie 2021 - Mai 2022
(6 luni)
Logistics worker (Lagermitarbeiter Wareneingang)


• Consistently met my short and long-term targets.
• Proactively participated in meetings and helped create new practices.
• Pitched ideas on how to improve performance and efficiency.
• Helped management to identify work flow issues and find solutions
"Moldcell" S.A


Iunie 2019 - Octombrie 2021
(2 ani 4 luni)
Quality Assurance Specialist


Administrative activity:
- Analysis and resolution of addresses / complaints from
- Analysis and processing of porting requests;
- Analysis of feedbacks / complaints related to retention;
- Evaluation of agents' performance;
- Analysis of customers with a high degree of churn and
- Elaboration and performance of specialized trainings;
- Processing and examination of general requests, complaints
and suggestions;
- Analysis of feedbacks from the NPS platform;
- Identifying innovative ideas and simplifying processes

Positions held by me within the Moldcell company:

Customer Insights Assistant
Customer Insights Specialist
Quality Assurance Assistant
Quality Assurance Specialist
''HR-Consulting'' S.R.L.


Octombrie 2018 - Iunie 2019
(8 luni)
Customer Support Representative


Providing the highest quality services to customers / potentials clients of Î.M. Moldcell S.A. by providing the assistance of specialty, resolving complaints, grievances and requests customers. Achieving the company's image through telephone interaction.
GPG Consulting


Februarie 2016 - Septembrie 2018
(2 ani 7 luni)
Data entry, validation and processing operator


Receiving calls from customers; registration of damaged requirements; completing the database; receiving, examining and resolving questions received from the client, conducting opinion polls, approving contracts in the database, registering letters in the database received via the company's e-mail, scanning and archiving contracts & serving chat.

Studii (Medii de specialitate)

09.2012 - 06.2016
Centrul de Excelenta in Energetica si Electronica

Facultatea, specialitatea: Electromecanica

Oraș: Chișinău

Limbi străine

Ucraineană — Începător
Engleza — Expert
Româna — Nativ
Rusa — Expert
Poloneza — Începător
Italiana — Începător
Abilități cheie
Adaptabilitate Abilități interpersonale Statistică Excel Limbi străine Analiza datelor CRM Reziliență Lucru în echipa Leadership Învățare continuă Gândire critică Etica în muncă Empatie Creativitate Comunicare Rezistență la frustrare Soluționarea problemelor Time Management Umor



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