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Резюме от 17.06.2022

English Speaking Air Travel Consultant, Customer Service Specialist, Translator

Основная информация

Имя, Фамилия:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Дата рождения:
09 Марта 2002 (22 года)
Вид занятости:
Full-time, Part-time
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Эл. почта:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Социальные сети:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP

Сфера деятельности

Limbi străine / Traduceri Studenți

Обо мне

I have currently finished my second year of studying medicine at "Nicolae Testemițanu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy and at the moment I'm looking forward to taking use of and applying my skills in order to evolve professionally and I'd preffer doing so in a wonderful company and environment.
I am a perfectionist (I study medicine after all :)), so once I get to work on a certain project, I make sure to always try my best and do everything in my powers to deliver the absolute best results I can. As a young individual, one of my most remarkable strengths is my ability to see certain situations and issues differently and bring an unique and colourful perspective into the mix, a rare quality that is truly appreciated by everyone I come into contact with. Recently, I’ve started diving into and constantly trying to learn more about crypto, NFTs and overall investing, which I’ve always been extremely passionate about, along with travelling and reading. Even though I’m a newbie, I can affirm with self-confidence that I am wonderful at what I do, I know English perfectly and my distinguished performances speak for themselves. I can work independently and I am incredibly detail-oriented. Whether it's arranging flight reservations according to clients' needs; advising the potential clients on specific products, available travel dates, prices and accommodations; solve certain issues that may appear, complaints or refunds; developing strong business relationships with the reoccurring clients and meeting and exceeding the expected profit and sales target; I can definitely do it all if I'm given the chance to prove myself. Moreover, I have an increasing interest in social media marketing and the world’s continuous innovations and I am looking forward to ONLY work with the best of the best: people who I can bring value to and in turn, people who can bring me value and help me elevate myself and attain the best version I can possibly be. 

Образование (Неоконченное высшее)

09.2020 - Настоящее время
“Nicolae Testemițanu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Факультет, специальность: General Medicine

Город: Кишинёв

09.2012 - 05.2020
Instituția Publică Liceul Teoretic “Spiru Haret”

Профиль: Profilul Real

Город: Кишинёв

09.2008 - 05.2012
Liceul Teoretic “Liviu Rebreanu”

Профиль: Clasă cu profil de pictură

Город: Кишинёв

Знание языков

Румынский — Эксперт
Английский — Эксперт
Русский — Начинающий
Немецкий — Начинающий
Ключевые навыки
Lucru în echipa Redactare texte Storytelling Social media / comunicare digitală Gândire critică Entuziasm Managementul brandului Cunoștințe generale despre afaceri Email marketing Introducerea datelor Inteligență emoțională Convingere Creativitate Editare imagini Compasiune Comunicare clară și eficientă Empatie Atenție la detalii și simț estetic Analiza comportamentului consumatorilor Adaptabilitate Apeluri reci Analiza datelor Access Abilități de ascultare Abilitatea de a învăța rapid Abilități de comunicare Managementul conflictelor Abilitatea de a soluționa eficient problemele Managementul proiectului Managementul relației cu clienții (CRM) Motivație Powerpoint Productivitate și organizare Precizie Word Răbdare Digital Marketing Speaking English Perfectly English - Romanian Translation General Knowledge in Cryptocurrency Excellent Customer Service Skills Reziliență

Курсы / Тренинги

2021, 40 hours
Google Digital Garage - Fundamentals of Digital Marketing


I'm extremely passionate about:

  • Reading, especially Russian literature, which to me seems very intriguing and captivating. I'm currently reading "The Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov and the last book I've read is "Notes from the Underground" by Fyodor Dostoevsky. 
  • Painting/Drawing
  • Travelling. Overall, my favourite country I've ever been to is definitely Italy: tasty food, beautiful language, amazing people, breath-taking scenery and stunning places. 
  • Films/TV shows
  • Music
  • Skincare
  • Perfumes
  • Learning about Social Media Marketing and E-commerce 
  • Stocks and Investing

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