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Резюме от 15.12.2024

I am ready to accept any function

Основная информация

Имя, Фамилия:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Дата рождения:
16 Мая 1969 (55 лет)
Вид занятости:
Full-time, Part-time, Разовое задание, Гибкий график
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Эл. почта:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Социальные сети:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP

Сфера деятельности

Cultură, Artă Limbi străine / Traduceri Management / Administrare Resurse umane / HR

Обо мне

Good day,

My name is Ion Lupan, PhD, 55 years old, born in Colibasi, Cahul, Republic of Moldova. At the moment I live in Great Britain & Moldova. I am a citizen of Great Britain, Romania and the Republic of Moldova.

I speak Romanian, English and Russian fluently.

Of course, you will get to know my extensive professional experience from the attached CV, here I would just like to emphasize a few, I think, important aspects:

- I spent most of my career in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan) and in the Russian Federation and Ukraine.

- The basic activities were focused on several key sectors:

*** Oil & Gas, Logistics, Maintenance, Site organization (drilling, direct activities at the site, extraction, reporting and production supervision for beneficiaries such as KazMunaiGaz, Karakuduk Munai, Pacifico Drilling&Mining, Protech, Rompetrol, Lukoil, etc. in Aktau, Atyrau, Komsomoliskoye, etc.), I was executive director in Almaty of the American company Dawos Inc. etc., we collaborated with JCB, Caspian Oil, etc.).

*** Sales, large projects, B2Gov in e-learning for SIVECO SA Romania, as a director in the CIS countries, especially the ones mentioned above.

- I have relations at the highest government levels in Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan (I had the honour of being a guest at the summer residence of President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov twice), I have maintained friendly relations until now with the relevant former ministers and with the ambassadors of Romania in these countries (ES Vasile Soare, ES Radu Horumba, etc.).

- My nickname is "Business Facilitator" (Lobbyist to Americans).

Great Britain is a country that offers many opportunities, but I would like to return home, to the Republic of Moldova.

I believe in the fate of this small country, I believe in its business environment, I believe in the possibility of Moldova asserting itself economically through the skills of local businessmen and those who have acquired useful knowledge outside the country.

I am writing this Letter in the event of an open position within your Company, of course, one of a level that would correspond to my experience and skills.

In the hope of a potential future interview or face-to-face discussions, thank you in advance.



Ion Lupan, PhD

Знание языков

Румынский — Родной
Английский — Эксперт
Русский — Родной
Ключевые навыки
Communication skills - excellent communication skills gained by working in multicultural environments CIS. countries Romania and the UK - adaptive communication skills gained by working in diverse environments ranging from upper management (General & Branch Manager) to base level. - persuasive skills gained by working in Sales (Oil & Gas companies and Software & Te timeframes results) Job-related skills - highly adaptable fast learner team player result driven motivated loyal.

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