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Резюме от 14.07.2024

Software Engineer

Основная информация

Имя, Фамилия:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Дата рождения:
08 Января 2002 (23 года)
Вид занятости:
Full-time, Part-time, По выходным , Гибкий график
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Эл. почта:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Социальные сети:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP

Сфера деятельности

Internet / E-Commerce IT Software Telecomunicații


Martico Romania


Июль 2024 - Сентябрь 2024
(2 месяца )
Full Stack & DevOps Engineer


- Developing CI/CD pipelines for the development process
- Automatizing deployment of Amazon Web Services using Terraform
- Developing and optimizing the internalization functionalities of the website
- Developing the authentication process of the admin application
Veziv IT Services


Май 2023 - Настоящее время
Full Stack Developer


- Developed and pushed to production the entire back end of a CRM application using NestJS
- Implemented Google Docs and Google Drive API for documents` templates management and creation. Administrators can create documents using common templates by autocompleting the placeholder data with user`s data from within the application
- Successfully developed and pushed to production the NestJS back end of a bank broker company which has 150 brokers in Romania, in coordination with the front end team
- Automated an algorithm for the broker`s clients` eligibility for bank loans. The broker`s clients are evaluated based on 230 structured criteria of 13 banks which I summarized in an algorithm that runs in 0.4 seconds
- Developed and pushed to production the NestJS back end of a gym franchise in coordination with the front end team
- Integrated gym member authentication using generated QR codes
- Integrated BullMQ message queue for file caching. Frequently used user avatars, gym social media photos and other assets are stored primarily in the cloud, but using this caching functionality, the most frequently used assets are cached in the file system of the servers, reducing cloud storage costs by around 1.100$ every month

Образование (Высшее)

10.2021 - 07.2024

Факультет, специальность: Software Development

Страна: Romania

Знание языков

Румынский — Родной
Русский — Родной
Английский — Эксперт
Ключевые навыки
Analiza datelor Cloud Computing CRM Design UI/UX Excel Javascript Managementul proiectelor Securitatea datelor SEO/SEM marketing Software development SQL Statistică Abilități interpersonale Adaptabilitate Comunicare Empatie Etica în muncă Gândire critică Învățare continuă Leadership Lucru în echipa Networking Rezistență la frustrare Soluționarea problemelor Time Management Toleranță

Водительские права

Категория — B1, B
С личным авто

Курсы / Тренинги

TOEFL iBT English


Ноябрь 2023 - Ноябрь 2023
Amazon Web Services Cloud Practitioner


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