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Резюме от 04.11.2023

Web Developer

Основная информация

Имя, Фамилия:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Дата рождения:
28 Февраля 2000 (24 года)
11 месяцев
Вид занятости:
Full-time, Part-time, Работа посменно, Ночная смена
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Эл. почта:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Социальные сети:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP

Сфера деятельности

IT Software

Обо мне

I am a dedicated person who has a keen interest in informational technology, particularly web/software development. I am constantly fascinated by the endless possibilities that technology presents and strive to learn as much as I can in this field. In addition to my passion for programming, I am also a sociable and outgoing person who values teamwork and collaboration.

Oпыт (11 месяцев)

EUTech Engineering


Июль 2023 - Октябрь 2023
(3 месяца )
Computer System Administrator, Internship with Erasmus+


• Create and configurate a Virtual Machine
• Manage the Active Directory in Windows Server
• Scan and report the possible vulnerabilities in Linux and Windows systems
• Create and configurate a MySQL database
• Do a simple and advanced queries in MySQL
• Create a Website with HTML and CSS
• Install and configure O.S
• Create and configurate a Wordpress website
• Use of Docker, Nagios, GitHub, Visual Studio Code
• Create and configurate a DCHP and DNS server on Windows and Linux systems
• Create and configurate a Mail Server
Vision Factory


Июль 2022 - Октябрь 2022
(3 месяца )
Web Designer, Internship with Erasmus+


• Fixing bugs on websites.
• Testing and finally implementing the solutions, quotation of web solutions to clients.
• Creating new websites with WIX.
• Editing existing websites according to team leader’s instructions
Techno Market


Октябрь 2019 - Март 2020
(5 месяцев)
Operator at an Internet Club


My responsibility was to take care of a room full of computers used to serve different needs to our
clients like :
• working on some documents;
• surfing on the web;
• watching a movie;
• gaming;
• printing/scanning services;

I worked by myself all day, my duties were :
• helping my clients if they encountered any problems at the computers;
• printing and scanning documents;
• fixing soft-related problems at the computers;
• fixing hardware-related problems at the computers;

Образование (Среднее)

10.2020 - Настоящее время
University of Petrosani

Профиль: Computers

Страна: Romania

09.2016 - 06.2020
Centre of Excelence of Energetics and Electronics

Факультет, специальность: Computers

Город: Кишинёв

Знание языков

Румынский — Эксперт
Английский — Эксперт
Русский — Средний
Немецкий — Начинающий
Ключевые навыки
Creativity Continous learning Communication Adaptability SQL Software development Javascript Foreign languages Copywriting Critical thinking Problem Solving Teamwork Time Management HTML CSS GIT

Водительские права

Категория — AM, B1, B

Курсы / Тренинги

2019, 3 months
Introduction to Java


Vision Factory

Piotr Sadowski (Director)

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