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Резюме от 05.07.2023

Front End Web Development

Основная информация

Имя, Фамилия:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Дата рождения:
06 Мая 2003 (21 год)
Вид занятости:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Эл. почта:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Социальные сети:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP

Сфера деятельности

IT Software

Обо мне

As a full-stack web developer currently studying at IT Step Academy Moldova, I am enthusiastic about my career plans and the opportunities that lie ahead. My goal is to secure a position in a company where I can thrive in a collaborative environment, working closely with colleagues to accomplish periodic objectives.

With a strong passion for web development, I am committed to continuously improving my skills and expanding my knowledge in the field. By staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and industry trends. I aim to bring innovative solutions to the table and contribute to the growth and success of the organization I join.

Образование (Среднее специальное)

10.2022 - Настоящее время
It Step Academy Moldova

Факультет, специальность: Full Stack Web Development

Город: Кишинёв

Знание языков

Румынский — Эксперт
Английский — Средний
Русский — Средний
Ключевые навыки
PHP Lucru în echipa MySQL Javascript HTML Entuziasm Control Git / Versiune (Github, gitlab) CSS Powerpoint Răbdare SQL Word HTML Figma SCSS React

Курсы / Тренинги

2020 - 2021
Graphic design


Сентябрь 2019 - Май 2020
Entrepreneurial Skills - Junior Achievement Europe

The Entrepreneurial Skills Pass is an international certification coordinated by members of the
Junior Achievement network across the world. Successful candidates gain theoretical and
factual knowledge as well as cognitive and practical skills about business, economics and

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