Сфера деятельности
IT Software
Обо мне
I am passionate about programming and I am happy to work with new technologies. I like the creative approach to problem solving and seeing how the code turns into functional products. In my free time, I like to explore personal projects and get involved in the community of developers. I am an efficient collaborator and I adapt easily to new technologies and work environments.
Образование (Среднее)
01.2023 - Настоящее время
Click School
Профиль: Fullstack Developer
Город: Кишинёв
Academia Militară a Forţelor Armate "Alexandru cel Bun"
Факультет, специальность: Facultatea ştiinţe militare / Administratie Publica
Город: Кишинёв
Знание языков
Румынский — Эксперт
Английский — Начинающий
Французский — Средний
Польский — Начинающий
Русский — Эксперт
Ключевые навыки
Development: JavaScript(working knowledge)
Version control/GIT(working knowledge)
HTML/CSS(working knowledge)
Express(working knowledge)
Abilități de lucru în echipă și colaborare. Testare și depanare de bug-uri (debugging). Cunoștințe despre optimizarea performanței aplicațiilor web. Abilități de comunicare și prezentare eficientă a informațiilor tehnice.
hiking, mountain biking, prepare and eat food, traveling, camping
Click School
Andrei Alexandru Cartan (Lead Mentor)