Worked in a car service. The first two years I worked as a driver.
After promotion I was engaged in reception of cars repair.
Managed a team of 15 mechanics.
In March 2023 I decided to change my profession.
I have completed several training courses. Actively studying manual and automated testing
The focus of the study was on web applications.
Ready to learn something new and work hard.
manager at car serviceФакультет, специальность: Faculty of computers, informatics and microelectronics
Город: Кишинёв
From Tekwill Academy
From Udemy
- programming in Python 3;
-Selenium web driver
-Practical code-writing
- running and configuring tests using the PyTest framework;
- API testing with Postman;
- practical assignments on working with Postman;
- automation of API testing;
- Step-by-step instructions for writing an API test automation project;
- connecting logging and learning how to read logs;
- connecting the Allure framework;