Сфера деятельности
Turism / Hotel staff
Oпыт (1 год 1 месяц )
Апрель 2018 -
Август 2018
(4 месяца )
Agent vinzari
Contactarea clientilor si oferirea de optiuni pentru bilete avia dupa necesitatile lor si deasemenea vinzarea biletelor
Best western music capital inn
(United States)
Июнь 2017 -
Октябрь 2017
(4 месяца )
House keeper
I had to make sure that the rooms of the hotel were cleaned accordingly and also to make sure the guests had all necessary in their hotel rooms.
Charlie’s stakes ribs and ale
(United States)
Май 2017 -
Октябрь 2017
(5 месяцев)
My responsibility was to attend the clients to take the orders and to serve them the food. I also had to interact with them and give them recommendations for choices of meals.
Образование (Неоконченное высшее)
09.2016 - Настоящее время
Факультет, специальность: Limbi straine
Город: Кишинёв
Знание языков
Румынский — Эксперт
Английский — Эксперт
Русский — Средний
Корейский — Начинающий
Ключевые навыки
Abilitatea de a învăța rapid
Abilitatea de a soluționa eficient problemele
Abilități de ascultare
Abilități de comunicare
Abilități interculturale