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Резюме от 26.03.2023

Manager, analyst, administrator, director, project manager

Основная информация

Имя, Фамилия:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Дата рождения:
08 Апреля 1962 (62 года)
Вид занятости:
Full-time, Part-time
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Эл. почта:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Социальные сети:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP

Сфера деятельности

Management / Administrare ONG / Asistență Socială Producție / Producere Project Management

Обо мне

Leonid is a mixture of economist, program nonitoring and evaluator, manager, and trainer.

As economist he has experience working for the Ministry of Economy of Moldova (economic analisys and programming, drafting economic legislation), headquarters of the Wordl Bank, private consultancy in economic and business analysis, business planning and development, attraction of foreign investments.

His doctoral thesis in economics is in the field of economic reforms in the former USSR.

He possesses experience in monitoring and evaluation of international funded programs on: economic and social development, reorganization of the public sector, creation of private sector in the economy, open government issues, as well as community and civil sector development (Moldova, Ukraine). Leonid has international experience of cooperation with evaluators and consultants from several EU countries, USA and Canada. He monitored and evaluated EU and bilateral programs.


As a trainer has experience as unversity professor and Dean of the Faculty of Economic Studies.

He has written numerous articles on economic subjects, plus runs own blog on important global issues, addressing the public eager to rise above the propaganda smoke spread by dark forces engaged politically or oligarchically [https://analytic7.uk/].


Managerial skills developed in assistance projects for the Republic of Moldova (IBRD, EU, USA); business (joint ventures with French and British investments), and civil society.

This direct involvement in practice and contact with issues in the real sector of the economy led him to participate in the international conference organized by the World Bank in Warsaw "Anticorruption in Transition - Confronting the Problem of State Capture".


Within the NGO he has extensive experience in project formulation and implementation, project management, financial sustainability building, networking, training in different fields.


Leonid is fluent in English, Romanian, Russian.


Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Moldova


Сентябрь 2021 - Ноябрь 2022
(1 год 2 месяца )
Chief of Staff, Advisor to the Minister of Economy


Advising the Minister of Economy on economic policy issues, monitoring selected problematic issues in the field of business development. Interacting and reporting to the State Chancellery (Office of the Prime Minister). Interacting on various issues with other governmental agencies. Representing the Minister in those agencies, when needed.
Ensuring well-functioning of the Ministry of Economy as a whole, often fulfilling tasks in vacant positions to make. Various tasks of analytical, organizational and monitoring nature. Answering the green phone line of the Ministry, registering and processing reported issues.
Responsible for coordination of the work on the national mobilization plan.
ULIM / Free International University of Moldova


Сентябрь 2017 - Май 2018
(8 месяцев)
Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences


- As a professor was teaching economic subjects in English (Modern Economic Diplomacy, Global Strategy and Sustainable Development, Business Communication, International Marketing, Entrepreneurship, etc.
- As a Dean managed the operation of the faculty. Had 1 hierarchical level above and 2 layers below. No budget, as all budgetary issues were centralized at University Rector level. Overseen 1 Deputy Dean, 2 Chiefs of Chairs, 1 Methodist, over 30 professors. Apart from being responsible for the operation of the Faculty (planning, curricula formulation, supervision, checks, meetings etc.), was performing the role of key person in project formulation for entire University aiming at reaching grant funds, formulating projects of international academic and research collaboration, conducting negotiations, selecting experts, conducting trainings in project formulation, coordinating work of experts in various professional fields. As a secondary occupation – was guiding the extracurricular activities of students.
Civil Association “Pro-Trebujeni”

(Moldova, Republic of)

Январь 2014 - Настоящее время


Administering the Association, formulating projects and participation in consortiums for grant funding. Project management.

Short list of implemented projects funded by donors:

- Project financed by the EU under the program "Support for confidence-building measures". Role: Project manager, responsible for one of the 4 sector platforms. Purpose: to improve relations and strengthen trust between people along the Dniester River in Moldova, which experienced a military conflict immediately after the breakup of the USSR (the Transnistrian conflict). More than 700 direct beneficiaries. 2017.

- Project financed by the EU / UNDP ("Experience of confidence") under the program "Support for confidence-building measures". Role: Project Manager. Purpose: to improve relations and strengthen trust between people along the Dniester River in Moldova. The project was a partnership of 10 NGOs: 6 from the right bank and 4 from the left bank of the river (Transnistria). More than 500 direct beneficiaries. 2014-2017.
National Federation of agricultural producers “AGROinform”

(Moldova, Republic of)

Май 2003 - Декабрь 2007
(4 года 7 месяцев)
Consultant in business development


Business advising for rural entrepreneurship development within ASPA program for the AGROinform national Moldovan Federation (2003-2007). Covering whole country with up to 10 regional consultants under my lead. Was training them, lead them and supervised their work. Together with them conducted lots of field visits working with rural entrepreneurs.
Amifruit S.A., Moldovan-French Joint Venture

(Moldova, Republic of)

Январь 1999 - Декабрь 2004
(5 лет 11 месяцев)
General Director


1 hierarchical level above (Supervisory Board) and 2 layers below. Budget = 500000 USD. Overseen 1 Deputy, 3 Chiefs of Departments (production, laboratory, marketing), 1 Secretary.
Main duties: assuring smooth operation of the company; planning its activities (business planning, including production, marketing, sales); organizing and implementing visits of foreign technology experts; reporting to foreign investors (French and British); training staff; supervision of the HR management system; supervising the database; assuring compliance with quality requirements; negotiating with partners (suppliers, including international, sales chains, supermarkets). From time to time organizing donations for orphanages, kinder gardens and summer camps for vulnerable children and youth.
In addition, assure the publicity campaign, including through web site, production and distribution of leaflets and posters, supporting/sponsoring local ballet and opera in its tour in England.
Side achievement: Learned marketing skills in the field of dried fruits and vegetables, and improved my knowledge of the technological process in this field.
Netherlands Economic Institute (NEI)

(Moldova, Republic of)

Сентябрь 1995 - Октябрь 1997
(2 года 1 месяц )
Office Director of Tacis EU Monitoring in Moldova, Tacis EU Monitor


Project Duration = 2 years. 2 hierarchical levels above before reporting to the EU Commission (Regional Team Leader in Kiev/Ukraine and Project Manager in the Netherlands Economic Institute. 2 hierarchical level below – monitors (30 freelance foreign and local consultants/experts in various fields), office assistant, interpreters, drivers. Budget = 5000 USD.
Achievements: Received 3 different trainings organized by the NEI. Programmed over 50 visits and monitoring missions, organized logistical things, also was personally monitoring projects (in teams with foreign co-expert). Formulated monitoring reports, as well as broader analytical reports and policy advice for EU Commission. In all work permanently liaised with governmental officials responsible for certain fields.
Organized and delivered two trainings for the Ministry of Economy in monitoring foreign assistance projects. Meetings were conducted with stakeholders at all levels.
Side achievement: Organized and guided many cultural programs, mostly with outdoor excursions/hikes content around the country and region, for visiting foreign experts, thus gaining experience in logistics, organization and management of these trips. Important to mention, that tourist infrastructure was seriously undeveloped in the region at that time.
Progress: Advanced in learning and practically performing monitoring functions, including heavy interviewing, often with serious investigative aspect. Propelled in difficult mission of reporting unpleasant facts and expressing criticism with suggestions of improvement.
Royal Netherlands Embassy in Ukraine

(Moldova, Republic of)

Декабрь 1994 - Декабрь 1996
(2 года )


Duration = 2 years. 2 hierarchical levels above
Achievements: Consulted Dutch Embassy on implementation of the Programme of Collaboration between Netherlands and Moldova. Performed various analytical (economic and political) reporting. Organized and conducted working visits of various experts in practical fields, diplomats, and Dutch governmental officials. That work was performed on both banks of the River Dniester (controlled by Moldovan authorities on the right bank and in self-proclaimed “independent” territory on the left bank / Transnistria = after a military conflict back in 1992-1993). Meetings were conducted at all levels, including chief of states and parliaments, ministers etc. In some cases, was performing also the translation duties.
Screened candidates for Dutch grants or large Governmental support programs, monitored implementation of some Dutch-supported projects.
Progress: This job advanced me in learning diplomatic protocol and working under its requirements. Managed to build professional ties with very different stakeholders at all levels, from grass-root to VIP governmental officials and with very different ethnic and cultural background. This was performed consecutively in three languages. This is a first job, which required a lot of travel within the region and internationally (Ukraine, Netherlands) – taught me to do that effectively and report timely at stringent deadlines. Polished my persuasive skills, developed an outside interest in NGO movement and social initiatives.
IBRD, World Bank, Headquarters in Washington D.C.

(United States)

Январь 1993 - Май 1994
(1 год 4 месяца )


Duration = 1.5 years.
Achievements: Consulted the IBRD Department of Moldova on macroeconomic issues within Moldova and CIS, evaluating legislative drafts and acts, public programming papers and performing political analysis, expressing opinion. Sometimes gave personality descriptions of certain public figures in Moldova and CIS. Assisted the Minister of Economy of Moldova by organizing and conducting his meetings with US Federal Government Agencies and Private Companies during his 3-months stay in Washington, D.C., the main reason being absence of Moldovan Embassy in the USA at that time. One-year experience with Peat Marwick - KPMG Company in Washington D.C., U.S.A., as a liaison person between the Company and the Ministry of Economy of Moldova. During KPMG's mission to Moldova in Jan.1994 - as organizer of meetings and interpreter.
Progress: Advanced a lot as analytical consultant, working in highly professional and demanding environment. Learned to fly with eagles and not to be afraid of them. Practiced exercise of mind, which refined me as economist. Enlarged international exposure, developed in practice critical thinking and non-trivial approaches, visualization of the entire problem and solution space. Realized the essence and value of being a consultant. Developed skills of working via Internet. Learned to work on urgent calls from headquarters, as I was stationed 10 miles away. Was able to organize and perform independently professional meetings and interviews at high level in international organizations and USA state Agencies. Polished communicational and reporting skills.
Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Moldova

(Moldova, Republic of)

Январь 1990 - Август 1994
(4 года 7 месяцев)
Chief Specialist


Department of Economic Reform. 2 hierarchical levels above
Achievements: Learned to work in central governmental institution in difficult and volatile conditions of major economic transformations, when country was transiting from centralized economy to one based on market principles. Learned a lot about public policy making. Participated in several scientific conferences, including international. Started providing own trainings inside the Ministry of Economy and for other governmental bodies. By own initiative independently travelled to Free Economic Zone in Ruse, Bulgaria, to study their experience and legislation. Side achievement: Doctoral thesis that was written at that time, was based on my work experience, and contributed to job outcomes.
Progress: Improved analytical skills, drafted economic legislation for a country in transition from centralized economy to market. Author of Moldovan Laws "On Privatization", "On Free Economic Zones", other legislative and normative acts. Gained valuable experience with different Governmental bodies of Moldova: the Ministry of Economy of Moldova, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Agriculture, State Committee of Economic Reform, Secretariat of the Government, Parliamentary Commissions. Learned to work under pressure.
Research Institute of Planning of Moldova


Сентябрь 1984 - Сентябрь 1990
(6 лет )


Macroeconomic modelling of sector development (wine-making, canning). 3 hierarchical levels above
Achievements: Learned to work in a multicultural and multi-sector job environment in a large institution, learned on practice universal principles of effective human relations. Participated in several scientific conferences. Established bonds with professionals who inspired me throughout my carrier, further study and scientific research. Started my doctoral research. Side achievement: obtained valuable experience in volunteering for and managing volunteer projects for the youth organization of an institution with over 400 employees.
Progress: Learned to work in a team environment. Acquired self-management and analytical skills under guidance of experienced professional economists and managers. Enlarged professional horizons, including due to various lectures of travelling high-class economists and other professionals. Acquired skills of a generalist – understanding macroeconomic relationships. Learned computer programming on that-time (old) computers, both personal and “industrial” size.

Образование (Неоконченное высшее)

09.1992 - 05.1994
University of Maryland, USA, College Park, MD

Факультет, специальность: School of Public Affairs

Страна: United States

09.1990 - 06.1992
Moldovan State University

Факультет, специальность: Economics

Город: Кишинёв

09.1984 - 06.1986
Moldovan State University

Факультет, специальность: Economics

Город: Кишинёв

09.1979 - 07.1984
Polytechnic Institute of Chisinau

Факультет, специальность: Technological

Город: Кишинёв

Знание языков

Румынский — Эксперт
Английский — Эксперт
Русский — Эксперт
Французский — Начинающий
Немецкий — Начинающий
Украинский — Начинающий
Ключевые навыки
Text editing Technical communication Clear and efficient communication Intercultural skills Data analysis Project management Monitoring projects of foreign assistance Critical thinking Economic analysis Wordpress Word Excel Powerpoint

Водительские права

Категория — B

Курсы / Тренинги

1992, 4 months
Intensive course in English
1997, 1 month
Seminar in French wine-making and vine-growing
Monitoring and evaluation of technical assistance Projects
1999, 1 month
Business Exchange Program “Community Connections”
Web design
2008, 2 weeks
Train of Trainers in Outdoor Experiential Learning Programs


Октябрь 2020 - Март 2023
International Association Eco-Tiras

Апрель 2017 - Апрель 2017
Good Deeds Day

I participated not only in person, but also involved and coordinated the participation of partners from the cities of Tiraspol, Bender, Dubăsari.

Январь 2010 - Декабрь 2010
US Programs Alumni Community

In 2010 I served as a volunteer for the alumni community projects of the study programs in the USA, for which I received the Best Alumni Award from the hands of the US Ambassador Asif Chaudhry.

Январь 2009 - Ноябрь 2009
"Business for Youth" Program

Январь 2005 - Март 2023
AO “Pro-Trebujeni”

I returned to volunteering in 2005, when I discovered that the commune of Trebujeni ("Old Orhei") had no NGO, and the mayor was afraid of the civic movement.  First of all, I worked a lot (as a volunteer) to educate the mayor in this field.  Finally, at the end of 2005, the first three NGOs were registered in this commune.  One of these NGOs is "Pro-Trebujeni", for which I worked as a volunteer in: preparing the package of documents for registration; formulating projects and applying for grant funding; managing projects as a manager (without remuneration); doing a lot of work on those projects as a volunteer, together with other fellow volunteers.

Январь 1990 - Декабрь 1990
Research Institute of Planning of Moldova

I started volunteering even before the appearance of NGOs, as a young specialist, within the Research Institute of Planning, currently one of the buildings of ASEM University.  The essence of this volunteering was the promotion and practice of a healthy lifestyle, sports and active tourism/outdooring.  I organized for the staff active tours throughout Moldova, the tour to Lake Baikal (Russia/Siberia), in the Caucasus mountains, in the Carpathian mountains in Romania immediately after the collapse of the Ceaușescu regime.  Among other things, outside of working hours, I gathered a team of volunteers, I got along with the management of the institute, personally with the director Mr. Anatol Gudîm, and, through the joint efforts of the volunteer team, we built a small gym.  This room was made available for the staff of the institute, both young and old, both men and women. This was between 1984–1990.


Reading, active outdooring, mountains


Contact details

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