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Резюме от 16.10.2022

Project Manager, Business Analyst, Director Financiar / Финансовый директор, Economist / Экономист

Основная информация

Имя, Фамилия:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Дата рождения:
26 Октября 1981 (43 года)
Вид занятости:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Эл. почта:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Социальные сети:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP

Сфера деятельности

Finanțe / Bănci / Creditare / Contabilitate Management / Administrare Project Management

Обо мне

Portrayal in words and competencies:
Integrity; responsibility; intelligence and quick understanding; constant learner and ceaseless education improvement; logical actions and common sense; astuteness; respect; dislike of hostility and guile; acceptance of difficulties and challenges as part of life.

Social skills and competencies:
Good communication skills; self control; equal and fair treatment of any person no matter of age and social status; ability to ask for help as well as to provide assistance for any workmate; ability to teach / instruct as well as to listen and to consider the other opinion, even opposite of mine, no matter in private conversation or during a brainstorming.

Organizational skills:
Responsibility for group activities; initiative; self-organization; creativity and serendipity; knowing how a job should be done and not stop until it’s done correctly. Make use of the innate human skills that machines have the hardest time replicating: logical thinking and problem solving, social and emotional capabilities, providing expertise, coaching and developing others, and creativity. 


S.A. ”Loteria Națională a Moldovei”


Март 2024 - Настоящее время
Manager proiecte


- Managementul proiectelor interne și externe [outsourcing], atât ce țin de Tehnologii Informaționale, cât și procesele business [optimizare, ajustare];
- Colaborarea cu diverse departamente, cu toate persoanele interesate [stakeholder] atât cele interne cât și externe Societății pentru analiza, documentarea, îmbunătățirea fluxurilor de lucru existente și viitoare;
- Evaluarea și identificarea soluțiilor de îmbunătățire a proceselor, fluxurilor de lucru, imaginii, potențialului și veniturilor Societății.

IT software development and maintenance (Кишинёв)

Ноябрь 2019 - Август 2020
(9 месяцев)
Business Analyst


 Interaction and cooperation with customers in order to transform business needs in functional specifications and technical documentation;
 Creation of software specifications and responsible for delivering in time;
 Team working with developers to adjust solutions during the development phase, to assist in defining the new functions and to write documentation for customers and for project team;
 Rapid analysis and solving problems emerging during the project development;
 Maintaining a close relationship with customers and providing solutions or adjusting deadlines and specifications;
 Participation at testing phases to assure validation of pre-production deliveries;
 Keeping strong ties with development team for a permanent overall vision of the development steps and providing periodical reports for customers.
Projects managed:
 Elaboration of Scope Statements for the development of E-InfoBon Application. Beneficiary: „INFO BON” Ltd. [www.infobon.md]. E-InfoBon Application is a centralized software system designed to manage all the actual and future possible processes and services provided by „INFO BON” Ltd. In the Scope Statements are mentioned all functional requests and some technical exposures of the to-be E-InfoBon Application.

Universal commercial bank (Кишинёв)

Июль 2018 - Сентябрь 2019
(1 год 2 месяца )
Head of Corebanking System Applications Service, Head Office


SEE: Economist, Head Office, Organizational Department [Project Manager, Business Analyst]

Universal commercial bank (Кишинёв)

Май 2016 - Июль 2018
(2 года 2 месяца )
Expert, Head Office, Technical Resources Department [Economist, Project Manager, Business Analyst]


SEE: Economist, Head Office, Organizational Department [Project Manager, Business Analyst]

Universal commercial bank (Кишинёв)

Июль 2010 - Май 2016
(5 лет 10 месяцев)
Economist, Head Office, Organizational Department [Project Manager, Business Analyst]


Projects managed:
 Project team member. Development of reporting instruments and modules for FATCA [Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, USA Government / Internal Revenue Service, www.irs.gov] implementation in the Bank, developed by Tonbeller AG, Germany [www.tonbeller.com], interfaced with core bank software [May 2013 – April 2014];
 Project manager. Implementation of multilingual “Credit on Web” application [workflow for loans deliberation process, related data storage and clients info, financial statements and related analysis instruments, in compliance with Basel 2 principles], developed by Exprivia SpA, Italy [www.exprivia.it], interfaced with core bank software [started March 2011 – October 2011, resumed July 2013 – February 2014];
 Project team member. Development of reporting instruments and modules for delivering information to the Bureau of Credit History [www.creditbureau.md], interfaced with core bank software [March 2011 – May 2011];
 Project team member. Responsible for lending activity modules and instruments developed in the new core bank software “ab-Solut corebanking”, Oracle platform. Developer – Asseco SEE [South Eastern Europe] S.R.L. [www.asseco.com/see/contact/romania/], Romania [2009 – November 2010].
- Analysis of the business requirements and laws / regulations provided, analysis of the existing primary data in core bank software or legacy systems, checking for audit and security compliance in conjunction with auditors, legal advisers and business representatives [especially Bank insiders];
- Defining the tasks and technical requirements for the developers, defining the criteria and selecting the data to interface separate applications [mapping, various database directories creation etc.] in accordance with existing business, legal, security practices and the common sense;
- Elaboration of workflows, budgeting;
- Team coordination, management and tasks distribution;
- Defining scenarios for initial testing and for User Acceptance Testing, testing, go-live acceptance;
- Kick-off meetings, daily standup meetings, early issues identification, product featuring and optimization;
- Drawing up related user manuals, acceptance reports, minutes of meetings, personnel / workmates trainings.
 Miscellaneous projects and daily activities:
- Project team member. Defining and implementation of the IBAN format for the Bank accounts in core bank software;
- Project team member. Implementation of the new chart of accounts and the International Financial Reporting Standards [IFRS] in the core bank software [2011 – 2012]. Responsible for credit migration and re-parameterization of credit-related operations;
- Monitoring issues in progress [including new developments, enhancements and errors / bugs fixing], consultation and guidance for developers [writing User Stories] regarding Bank’s business processes, using issue / bug trackers like: Scarab, JIRA, Bugzilla;
- Market analysis – fees and rates applied by competitors.

Universal commercial bank (Кишинёв)

Октябрь 2007 - Июль 2010
(2 года 9 месяцев)
Credit Expert, Head Office, Funding and Placement Division


 Extending loan products to legal entities [loans, issued guarantees], corporate financial analysis [balance sheet, cash flow, Income Statement], corporate SWOT analysis, preparing reports for Credit Committee;
 Bank accounting related to lending activity, daily operations and monitoring loans in service;
 Assessment / valuation of pledged assets, collateral monitoring and verification;
 Drawing up and concluding lending, collateral, bail, mortgage agreements.
BC “Victoriabank” S.A.

Universal commercial bank (Кишинёв)

Сентябрь 2005 - Октябрь 2007
(2 года 1 месяц )
Coordinating Economist, Head Office, Credit Department, Corporate Credits Division


 Responsible for small enterprises lending projects, from external sources: International Development Association [World Bank Group], International Fund for Agricultural Development, Loan Portfolio Guarantee offered by United States Agency for International Development;
 Drawing up the Procedure on Environmental Risk Management [due diligence] for the Bank at the request of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development;
 Corporate credit analysis, preparing reports for Credit Committee;
 Bank’s loan portfolio monitoring and reporting, monitoring branches’ lending activity.
BC “Victoriabank” S.A.

Universal commercial bank (Кишинёв)

Январь 2005 - Сентябрь 2005
(8 месяцев)
Economist, Head Office, Treasury Department


Working with letter of credits and collections of payments.
BC “Victoriabank” S.A.

Universal commercial bank (Кишинёв)

Июль 2003 - Январь 2005
(1 год 6 месяцев)
Economist, Head Office, Foreign Exchange Department


 Responsible for rapid money transfer systems: MoneyGram, InterExpress [provided by Russian InterCoopBank], Smith & Smith [provided by Worldtrans – representative in Romania], Bystraia Pocita [provided by Russian ImpexBank];
 Clearing operations with rapid money transfer systems, clearing operations with Bank’s branches;
 Drawing-up procedures and user manuals related to money transfer systems;
 Project team member. Software implementation used for money transfer system: InterExpress and Bystraia Pocita;
 Account Officer – managing accounts in foreign currencies for individuals and foreign embassies in Moldova.

Образование (Неоконченное высшее)

09.1998 - 06.2003
The Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova

Факультет, специальность: Higher education. International Economic Relations Department [studying in English]

Город: Кишинёв

Знание языков

Румынский — Эксперт
Английский — Средний
Русский — Эксперт
Немецкий — Начинающий
Ключевые навыки
Lead Generation Knowledge of accounting programs Intercultural skills General business knowledge Excel Entity Relationship Diagrams Enthusiasm Enterprise resource planning Empathy Emotional intelligence Documentation skills / record keeping Data research and analysis Data Mapping Data entry Data analysis Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Critical thinking Compassion Communication skills Business process modeling Big Data Tools Anti Money Laundering Agile Business Analysis Access Ability to solve problems effectively Ability to learn quickly Listening skills Microsoft Visio Motivation MySQL Negotiation and signing of contracts Persuasion Photoshop Powerpoint Project / campaign management SQL Statistics Swift Teamwork Technical and non-technical communication Technical writing Word Writing texts Jira Scarab Bugzilla InVision Draw Sound Forge DaVinci Resolve VSDC Free Video Editor

Водительские права

Категория — AM, A1, A2, A, B1, B, C1, C, D1, D, BE, C1E, CE, D1E

Курсы / Тренинги

May 26 – May 29, 2009
The National Center for the Training of Bank Personnel of Ukraine
June 25 – June 27, 2019
Bank of Intesa Sanpaolo


Сентябрь 2004 - Январь 2005
International Organization for Migration Mission to the Republic of Moldova


Consulting activities for the project www.migratie.md

The project is developed to offer comprehensive information and knowledge to migrants for the purpose of all the decisions taken by them to be fully well-weigh and conscious, from the point of view of legal, social and economic issues. Particularly from my side: consulting activities related to money transfers’ problems to/from Moldova, for the Moldavian immigrants. 


Декабрь 2019 - Февраль 2020
UiPath Licensing Training

UiPath Academy

Декабрь 2019 - Февраль 2020
RPA [Robotic Process Automation] Business Analyst Training

UiPath Academy

Сентябрь 2009 - Декабрь 2009
Accounting and Taxation Principles in the Republic of Moldova

Association of Professional Accountants and Auditors of the Republic of Moldova

Март 2009 - Апрель 2009
Application “1-C Accounting 7.7”

Association of Professional Accountants and Auditors of the Republic of Moldova

Декабрь 2019 - Январь 2020
RPA [Robotic Process Automation] Starter Training

UiPath Academy


Swimming, hiking, cycling

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