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Резюме от 27.07.2022

Project Manager

Основная информация

Имя, Фамилия:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Дата рождения:
17 Августа 1982 (42 года)
3 года 10 месяцев
Вид занятости:
Full-time, Part-time
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Эл. почта:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP
Социальные сети:
*доступно в Premium от 3-х месяцев и VIP

Сфера деятельности

Freelance Management / Administrare Project Management

Oпыт (3 года 10 месяцев)

AVENSA Consulting Ltd

Technical Assistance to Reform Transport Sector of Moldova (Кишинёв)

Март 2019 - Май 2020
(1 год 2 месяца )
Deputy Project Director | Project Manager


- Ensuring effective collaboration with the Contracting Authority (EU Delegation) and Project Beneficiaries;
- Project management: daily coordination, guidance and management of the Project Team and supporting staff (total of 14 members);
- Representing Project Director (PD) and the Consortium on all matters including official meetings with Contracting Authority and Project Beneficiary, Steering Committees, etc.;
- Regular reporting to PD and the Consortium;
- Registration and accreditation of the Project with local the governmental authorities;
- Ensuring continuous dialogue, communication and interaction with EU and other donor-funded Projects;
- Proper and timely reporting according to EC guidelines and requirements;
- Operational and technical backstopping support for the Project Team in collaboration with all Consortium members and their internal backstopping entities;
- Defining and ensuring the implementation of the Quality Plan, Work Plan and Project timeline in collaboration with PD and Team Leader;
- Identification of project risks, management of issues’ escalations and their respective mitigation;
- Identification and recruitment of NKEs (elaboration of ToRs, coordination/approval with Contracting Authority, contracting, fees’ negotiation, etc.);
- Budget management and financial monitoring of Project’s expenses - preparation of invoices/ supporting documentation;
- Proposing and drafting Project’s Contract addendums, adjustment of Project ToR, Technical Offer and Work Plan - analysis of respective impacts, costs and timing;
- On-site monitoring (4 transport sectors) and tracking the progress/status of the Project on regular basis;
- Review, quality-check and validation of all technical reports, working papers and other deliverables/milestones produced by the KEs and NKEs and assure coherence of reports;
- Drafting the administrative and financial part of the Interim Reports and Final Report;
- Organization of Project Workshops and Study Tours (all aspects);
- Ensuring Project visibility and communication according to EC guidelines and requirements;
B&S Europe

EU High Level Advisers Mission to Moldova (Кишинёв)

Апрель 2016 - Декабрь 2018
(2 года 8 месяцев)
Assistant High-Level Adviser


Personal/language assistant to HLA (oral/written translations for both official and informal meetings);
- Liaison with project stakeholders, Contracting Authority and Beneficiaries on issues related to project activities;
- Assisting HLA with the development and implementation of the Work Plan, clarification of objectives and operational needs to facilitate activities’ implementation;
- Assisting HLA in drafting and defining the new Railway Code of Moldova (transposing EU railway legislation);
- Assisting HLA in drafting and defining the Law on accidents and incidents investigation in Moldova (transposing EU transport legislation);
- Assisting HLA in implementation of the methodology for selection and prioritization of infrastructure projects and elaboration of the Transport Sector Projects Pipeline;
- Assisting HLA in elaboration of Project Identification Forms (PIFs) for transport sector (both infrastructure and soft, all transport sectors) their further development and promotion with donor organizations and IFIs;
- Assisting HLA for infrastructure project’s evaluation in road and railways sectors;
- Data collection and analysis of issues related to transport sector;
- Preparing concept notes and policy papers on transport sector and EU strategies, when required;
- Support to the Beneficiaries on issues related to the transposition of the legislation of EU-MD Association Agreement;
- Support to the Beneficiaries in drafting the ToR for donor-funded Projects and short-term assignments/missions of international experts;
- Support to Event and Communication Manager for the organization of PR events;
- Ensuring a good quality presentation of all deliverables to the Beneficiary institutions; quality check and proofreading;
- Supporting HLA to produce monthly and quarterly reports;
- Screening the correspondence and maintain follow-up system for action and deadlines;
- Preparation of necessary documents for meetings, and update tracking tools regularly;
- Secretary of the meetings with Moldovan/EU officials;
- Secretary of the monthly Cluster meetings with HLAs/EU officials;
- Donor coordination – providing advice and support for the transport related issues (legislation, project concepts, regular IFIs meetings) during the amendment and improvement of the external aid mechanism;
- Arranging programs for in-coming/outgoing expert missions;
- Organization and coordination of on-site/field missions;
- Assisting the Beneficiaries and providing advice/support for the elaboration and definition of railway infrastructure rehabilitation and investment projects;
- Performing different tasks in the absence of the HLA, representing the Project.

Образование (Среднее)

09.2004 - 06.2010
State University of Moldova

Профиль: Constitutional and Administrative Law

Город: Кишинёв

09.1999 - 07.2004
Institute of Political Studies and International Relations

Профиль: International Relations and Foreign Languages

Город: Кишинёв

Знание языков

Румынский — Эксперт
Английский — Эксперт
Русский — Эксперт
Ключевые навыки
Negotiation and signing of contracts Motivation Listening skills Documentation skills / record keeping Data research and analysis Data analysis Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Critical thinking Communication skills Conflict management Attention to detail and aesthetic sense Analiza datelor Abilități interculturale Project / campaign management Cunoștințe generale despre afaceri Lucru în echipa Managementul proiectului Powerpoint Precizie Răbdare Redactare texte Rezistența fizică Scriere tehnică Word Ability to learn quickly Ability to solve problems effectively Public speaking Teamwork Technical and non-technical communication Writing texts Pr Diplomatie

Водительские права

Категория — B

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