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Head of Sales 

Top Angajator 2024
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Top Angajator 2024
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Основная информация
Вид занятости:
Senior-Level (> 5 лет), Руководящая должность

Описание вакансии

HR-Consulting’s client, an international consumer electronics and appliance company that has grown into a globally recognized and trusted brand, with offices and manufacturing facilities worldwide.

Key Responsibilities: 

Analyze local market data, trends, competitors and consumer research; based on which:

  • Define strategies to increase/expand market shares; 
  • Define and safeguard the implementation of the most efficient distribution strategy for a given product category; 
  • Define trade marketing plans for a given product category across the applicable Customers – track the implementation and ROI of these actions; 
  • Define, execute and manage market introduction plans for entire product portfolio; 
  • Monitor and analyze SKU rotation, distribution coverage and sell-in & sell-out requirements; 
  • Actively participate in the PSI process in cooperation with the Supply Chain Management and provide 3M sales forecasts
    per SKU; 

Ensure SBU Moldova can achieve the sales and margin targets - prepare/provide input on strategic information, which includes:

  • business planning (incl. volume, revenue, margin targets and trade marketing budgets down to customer level); 
  • definition of product lifecycle and pricing management in cooperation with the relevant Category Manager; 
  • review of actual volumes, revenue and margin vs 3M forecast/estimate; 
  • preparation of reports concerning volumes, revenue and margins vs monthly and yearly targets; 
  • management of stock (special focus on excess stock & aging stock), demand planning to ensure that set performance targets are met; 
  • built business plans with Customers to reinforce and achieve the Company strategy and SBU targets; 

Business Performance:

  • prepare price request calculation to facilitate sell-in & sell-out but bearing in mind maximization of margin; 
  • contribute to upgrade and optimization of product portfolio incl. ideas for development of products (e.g. relevant technology, features & design); 
  • close cooperation with Marketing, After Sales, Operations & Finance Teams in order to facilitate business growth.


  • University Degree (Master/Bachelor); 
  • Retail work experience (CE/MDA/SDA/FMCG) – min. 5yrs; 
  • Specific position related experience – min. 5yrs; 
  • Managerial experience – min. 3yrs; 
  • MS Office experience – User/Super User; 
  • SAP/BW experience – good to have; 
  • Language requirements: Fluency of English (written & spoken).

Soft Skills:

  • act as a good ambassador for the Company's brands;
  • have a CAN-DO attitude;
  • think outside the box;
  • exhibit problem-solving abilities;
  • proactively create/maintain good, credible and long lasting relationships with key Customer contacts and SBU/Cluster EER1 colleagues;
  • demonstrate commitment and loyalty;
  • take accountability for the assigned tasks
    and challenges;
  • be ready to embrace change;
  • contribute to the growth and further development of the SBU Moldova.


  • Social package
  • Car
  • Laptop
  • Cell phone
  • Bonus, based on achieved targets

Give it a go! Be sure to send in your resume to carolina@search4staff.com.
Call for details: +[показать номер]37360037785.

О компании

Compania HR-Consulting a fost fondată în anul 1995 în temeiul unei simple idei - să susţină companiile în recrutarea personalului profesionist.

Ne străduim să selectăm cei mai potriviți specialiști pentru business-ul clienților noștri, astfel încât aceștia să se încadreze ușor în cultura companiei și să se integreze rapid în activitatea desfășurată, pentru a aduce cele mai bune rezultate.

Mergem în întâmpinarea fiecărui client și candidat, astfel încât să putem stabili o relație durabilă între toți jucătorii pieței de muncă și să clădim punți trainice între cele două maluri ale acesteia. 

Prima care a lansat astfel de servicii în Republica Moldova, HR-Consulting nu s-a limitat doar la Recrutarea de personal, dar a implementat și astfel de servicii precum Leasing-ul de personal, Administrarea dosarelor de personal și Efectuarea studiilor de salarizare, completând în întregime portofoliul de servicii în domeniul resurselor umane. 

Отзывы о компании

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Carabinovici Lilian
5 star star star star star
19 Декабря 2024
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