Опубликовано сегодня

Circuit Switching Engineer

crown VIP Компания
crown VIP Компания
Основная информация
Вид занятости:
Mid-Level (2-5 лет), Senior-Level (> 5 лет)

Описание вакансии

What will you do?

This Job Role is responsible for the coordination, management and execution of proactive and reactive maintenance activities that require a higher level of support that the one offered by the 1st Level Operations for Core CS domain (MSS, HLR, HSS, MGW, SBG, IMS) . This shall ensure that the services provided to customers are continuously available and performing to Service Level Agreement (SLA) performance levels.

For the 2nd level support activity you will be responsible in:

  • Ensuring 2nd Level Incident Management
  • Ensuring preventive maintenance and performance management
  • Assisting with Operational Problem Management
  • On regular base covering the 7x24 Call-out responsibility

You will need to bring:

  • At least 3 years of experience in SIP and telecommunications domain.
  • 2-3 years of core network knowledge and experience CS: MSC, MGW, HLR, HSS, STP, SBC
  • Linux experience- basic knowledge
  • Romanian proficiency;
  • Advanced proficiency in English- B2 level
  • Bachelor’s in engineering ( IT, telecom ).
Ключевые навыки
english Linux circuit switching romanian


Талоны на питание

Абонемент в спортзал

Бонусы и премии

Частное медицинское страхование

Гибкий рабочий график

Дополнительные выходные

Материальная помощь при заключении брака и рождения ребенка

Признание профессиональных навыков и повышение в должности

Фото и Видео

Отзывы о компании

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Адрес вакансии
Кишинёв, Центр, str. Sfatul Țării 29
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