Organizația „Inteligența Artificială în Acțiune” caută un Fundraising Manager pasionat și dedicat, care să contribuie la dezvoltarea și implementarea inițiativelor noastre inovatoare din domeniul inteligenței artificiale. Rolul implică responsabilități strategice și operaționale, axate pe atragerea și gestionarea resurselor financiare esențiale pentru proiectele organizației.
Responsabilități cheie:
Abilități și calificări:
Ce oferim:
Dacă ești interesat să ni te alături, te rugăm să ne trimiți CV -ul. Abia așteptăm să te cunoaștem!
AI in Action is an NGO dedicated to making a real impact on society and business through technology, particularly by leveraging artificial intelligence. Our mission is to facilitate the exchange of ideas, bring in top experts, and organize events and projects that promote the use of artificial intelligence to address real-world challenges faced by society and businesses.
The community of ML experts, entrepreneurs, students, and programmers at IAinActiune is a diverse and energetic group of individuals eager to enhance their skills in using ML and contribute to the advancement of technology for the common good.
AI in Action’s events and projects focus on technological solutions to address current issues in society and business. For example, they may organize hackathons to develop AI applications that help combat climate change or improve access to healthcare services in underserved communities. Additionally, projects can be initiated to develop AI tools and solutions that support entrepreneurs in growing their businesses or optimizing processes within companies.
AI in Action is an innovative NGO that provides unique opportunities for those interested in learning about and contributing to the development of artificial intelligence for the benefit of society and business.