Опубликовано вчера

Open-Deck Dispatcher

Основная информация
2 700 USD
Вид занятости:
Без опыта, Entry-Level (< 2 лет), Mid-Level (2-5 лет)

Описание вакансии

We offer:

  • 1.2%-2.0% from Gross
  • 5-7 trucks per dispatcher
  • Salary up to $3000 / month (NET to you bank acc)
  • Legal contract
  • Paid taxi
  • Bonuses!
  • Experienced and cool team

We require:

  • Flatbed trucking experience
  • Ability to work with 5-7 trucks (Mostly owner-operators)
  • Proficient in English (oral and written)
  • Outstanding organizational and multitasking abilities

Send your CV to jobs@smartdispatch.us.

О компании

Smart Dispatch is a dispatch company operating throughout the United States. Established in 2019, our company is focusing primarily on quality service, to ensure that the deliveries are always on time and in perfect condition.

At our company, you will be welcomed by your colleagues and always get the necessary support in order to excell in the position.

Join our team now!

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