Опубликовано вчера

System analyst, Chisinau

Основная информация

Вид занятости:
Mid-Level (2-5 лет)

Описание вакансии

Our client, one of the largest and the most dynamic banks in Moldova with a well-developed infrastructure and a strong reputation in the international financial market, is announcing a vacant position of SYSTEM ANALYST, CHISINAU.


  • Collecting, analyzing, and formalizing requirements and setting tasks for the development/finalization of information systems;
  • Drafting and approving technical documentation (design solutions);
  • Creating and adjusting functional and integration specifications;
  • Evaluating software architectural implementation;
  • Organizing and conducting grooming sessions with the project team;
  • Drafting and finalizing mappings/plans.


  • Minimum 2 years of experience as an analyst on development projects;
  • Ability to analyze business processes, structure and describe requirements for their automation;
  • Ability to profile data sources, identify patterns;
  • Knowledge of REST/SOAP/XML/XSD technologies;
  • Advanced SQL skills;
  • Experience working with relational databases, creating medium complexity queries;
  • Knowledge of software design, development, and testing methodologies;
  • Experience interacting with business clients, ability to translate business requirements into technical requirements;
  • Ability to identify product advantages and disadvantages and effectively communicate them to the project team;
  • Creative thinking and ability to identify innovative solutions for arising situations;
  • Knowledge and application of basic Agile principles and Scrum Framework;
  • Experience working with Jira and Confluence.


  • Working in one of the largest and most dynamic banks;
  • Rewarding pay rate, individually established depending on candidate’s experience;
  • Flexible work schedule: 8.30 (9.00) - 17.30 (18.00) (5/7). Оpportunity to work in hybrid format;
  • Performance-based bonuses;
  • Holiday bonuses;
  • Special conditions for banking products;
  • Training budget;
  • Participation in various interest clubs and team-building activities.

If you feel you have the required skills and experience to fulfill this role, please submit a copy of your CV to the e-mail: dopomoga.staffing@gmail.com marked ”for the position of System analyst. Additional information by phone:(+373) [показать номер]68 916 916.

О компании

DOPOMOGA GROUP este fondatorul industriei Resurselor Umane din Republica Moldova și Ucraina.
Din 1994, DOCPOMOGA GROUP a conectat companii respectate cu specialiști de valoare. 

DOPOMOGA GROUP  în Republica Moldova funcționeaza din 2006 și are trei genuri principale de afaceri:

- General Recruiting;

- IT Recruiting;

- HR Consulting: HR administrare, Salarizare, Revezuire salarii, Outstaffing.

 Mai mult de 15 de ani de experiență in Republica Moldova, Compania a căpătat o vastă experienţă de prestare a serviciilor pentru companii din urmatoarele segmente: fabricare şi vânzare, FMCG, retail, bănci și servicii financiare, industria minieră şi metalurgie, asistenţă medicală şi farmaceutică, telecomunicaţii, inginerie mecanică, știință, sectorul petrolier, chimie și petrochimie, agricultură, asigurări, construcţii şi materiale de construcţii, comerţ şi logistică de transport, energetică.

"Cunoastem, că în prezent, HR Managerii funcționează sub presiune și schimbări pe piața muncii.
Scopul nostru este de a vă completa afacerea cu experiența și cunoștințele în recrutare, pentru a oferi la timp specialiști necesari."


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