Опубликовано вчера

Business Analyst “Web Channels”

Основная информация

Вид занятости:
Entry-Level (< 2 лет)

Описание вакансии

Orange Moldova is looking for a new colleague to fill in the position of Web Channels Business Analyst as part of a small and agile team that is maintaining the unassisted channels platforms and is providing an exceptional digital experience for customers.


what you will be doing:

  • Develop, maintain and improve customer’s journey via Web Channel
  • Analyze existing customer journeys, workflows/procedures, client discussions/verbatims/call drivers from all available channels (Call, Chat, Social Media, email, customer’s verbatims). Analyze large volumes of data to identify areas of improvement.
  • Responsible with life management for orange.md web help “ajutor” section by managing the content and taking into consideration business requirements, customer’s need and customer’s feedback.
  • Assure continuous integration of the Customer Care scenarios within global search engines, Chatbot solution and with the AI based solutions.
  • Continuously measuring and evaluating performance to ensure that web interactions meets KPIs
  • Create and maintain comprehensive product documentation according to internal formalized procedures.

what we are looking for:

  • Proficiency in Romanian
  • Advanced English and Russian knowledge
  • Proficient in MS Office tools (including MS Visio)
  • Flowchart software skills
  • Strong analytical skills

It is a strong advantage if you have:

  • Proven working experience with digital channels and relevant platforms
  • Customer support background
  • Experience in Project Management
  • basic knowledge of Windows OS/Linux
  • proficiency with JavaScript/TypeScript
  • programming experience in PL/SQL, SQL and code review ability

Working for Orange is one of a unique experience. Come check it out!


Orange Moldova

Str. Alba Iulia 75, Chişinău, Moldova

О компании

Să lucrezi la Orange reprezintă o experiență unică din punct de vedere digital şi uman, identică cu cea pe care o oferim clienților noștri, pentru că ascultăm şi răspundem.

La Orange oferim oportunităţi egale pentru toţi candidaţii, indiferent de sex, vârstă, religie, apartenenţă etnică, orientare politică, sexuală și de orice alt gen. Diversitatea este factorul cheie al succesului nostru. Talentul şi motivaţia angajatului stau în centrul acţiunilor noastre.

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Статьи о компании

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