Опубликовано вчера

Digital Marketing Manager

Основная информация

Вид занятости:
Mid-Level (2-5 лет)

Описание вакансии

About Us:
We are a funded, growing startup in the EdTech space. Today, we teach 5-14 years children how to code using AR/VR technology. Bloomcoding reimagined what it means to engage students, so we created a unique learning experience. 

We operate in Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Turkey and Moldova, teaching more than 1300 children, and we are getting ready to expand to 15 more countries in 2024.

About the Job:

We are looking for a hands-on specialist who will be responsible for a seven-figure ARR number, to join our amazing team of 56 heroes, to own our performance marketing in multiple countries. You will manage large budgets, build a team behind you, and work closely with the C-level suite to deliver demand for exponential growth.
Required Skills & Qualities:
  • 3+ years of experience in Online Marketing with a strong focus on Facebook and Google, preferably in B2C.
  • Vast experience creating campaigns; composing audience targeting strategies, generating ad copy and creatives, and optimizing for increased ROAS.
  • Experience with remarketing and retargeting (Facebook and Google).
  • Data is your daily food and you have strong experience in analytical tools. 
  • Graphic design and video editing skills are a strong plus.
  • Able to execute basic technical site developments and optimizations, mainly related to tracking and A/B testing.
  • Independent, responsible person.
  • Outstanding communication skills.
  • A personality that thrives with challenges and is driven to find solutions.
  • You have a strong business mindset and want to be the reason for going to Series A and beyond.
  • A marketing agency background is beneficial.
  • Proficient in Romanian and English.
General Responsibilities
  • Set up, execute & optimize paid marketing experiments to drive traffic to our websites. Drive campaigns from planning, execution, to tracking, budgeting, and optimization to effective scaling.
  • Execute with a holistic approach, building and testing new funnels and landing pages. Optimize ad delivery and langing page conversions. Strive to outperform yourself in CAC and other key metrics.
  • Improve the tracking infrastructure and execute remarketing campaigns on multiple platforms.
  • Collaborate with content, design and growth teams to guide campaign execution. Generating ad creatives on your own and being able to fully deliver a paid campaign from start to finish.
  • Build & maintain analytics dashboards for high-quality, reporting on performance.
  • Work on brand strategy, discover new trends, opportunities, and identify blockers.
Why Bloomcoding
  • Above market salary.
  • Stock options package and a motivational bonus after reaching Series A funding.
  • Entirely remote position: you can work from wherever.
  • Flexible working hours: you set your own schedule.
  • Opportunity to grow together with the startup, to Series A and beyond, making a significant impact on your professional experience and reputation.
  • A fulfilling job with a social impact. Your actions will lead to thousands of lives changed forever.
  • Discounts on our services for family and friends.


Удаленная работа

Скидки на продукты / услуги компании.



Гибкий рабочий график

О компании

Bine ai venit!

La Bloomcoding avem o misiune clară - să învățăm un milion de copii să programeze.

Suntem determinați să schimbăm vieți! Am ales să contribuim direct la modelarea viitorului copiilor și la crearea unei lumi digitale mai bune, pentru toți!

Ne plac soluțiile creative și colaborarea, iar runda de finanțare în valoare de 1 milion de euro pe care am primit-o, ne apropie și mai mult de îndeplinirea misiunii propuse.

Ambiția și profesionalismul ne-a ajutat să ajungem în top 3 din Startup-urile Moldovei. Contribuim nu doar la formarea abilităților necesare secolului XXI, dar și la spargerea gheții pentru lumea startap-ului local.

Căutăm colegi noi care împărtășesc această pasiune și sunt dornici să facă o diferență semnificativă în viețile copiilor.

Dacă ești entuziast, plin de creativitate și vrei să te alături unei echipe dedicate – locul tău este alături de noi!

Ce zici, setăm un interviu ca să ne cunoaștem mai bine?

Фото и Видео

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