Опубликовано вчера

Office Worker

Основная информация
от 1 700 EUR
Вид занятости:
Гимназия / Лицей, Высшее
Без опыта, Entry-Level (< 2 лет)
Дания, За границей

Описание вакансии

Se ofera:

  • Post de munca in birou logistic la compania de transport, Kurt Beier in orasul Padborg ,Danemarca.
  • Se cer cunostinte de PC, Office ,cunoasterea limbii engleze-(nu e nevoie de nivel avansat dar sa puteti purta o convorbire) si rusa.
  • Abilitatea de a lucra in echipa si uneori in conditii de stres.
  • Se lucreaza in doua ture,08:00-16:00 si 16:00-24:00
    (La inceput pina veti invata lucrul veti lucra doar in tura de zi)
  • Se ofera cazare achitata din partea firmei si ajutorul necesar pentru a obtine actele de sedere in Danemarca.
  • Salariul incepe de la 18000 dkk brut + weekendurile care le lucrati.
  • Aditional, dar nu obligatoriu, sa aveti permis de conducere cu categoria B.

Cei interesati apelati la nr. de telefon +[показать номер]4560298026

О компании

Kurt Beier Transport A/S is one of the leading hauliers in Denmark and is constantly working to improve.

Quality is the way forward for a modern transport company and with approx. 60,000,000 km per year in transport across Europe / Scandinavia, a solid vehicle fleet is needed, therefore Kurt Beier Transport A/S emphasizes renewal of the vehicle fleet and IT systems, which help to service our customers. Among other things with modern fleet management where we can always see where the transport is.

At Kurt Beier Transport A/S, we ensure that the transport arrives on time and can be followed all the way in transit. Our many years of experience with transport provide a good basis for cooperation across national borders.

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Адрес вакансии
Дания, Padborg, 9 Lejrvejen
Эл. почта:

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