Опубликовано вчера

Assistant to the Management Board

Основная информация
Вид занятости:
Entry-Level (< 2 лет), Mid-Level (2-5 лет), Senior-Level (> 5 лет)
Кишинёв, Центр

Описание вакансии

The Assistant to the Management Board role is a highly visible position at the Company, requiring interaction with a broad range of internal and external constituents and playing a key role in support of our mission. Reporting to the CEO, the Assistant provides overall administrative and project support to the CEO and serves as a key liaison to the board of directors. The Assistant to the Management Board also has extensive interaction with other staff and community stakeholders. Professionalism, the ability to cultivate relationships, and flexibility to adapt to the changing needs and priorities of a growing organization are essential.
Primary responsabilities:

  • Provide support and project management for a range of initiatives in which the CEO plays a lead role
  • Manage the CEO’s calendar and daily workflow, juggling competing priorities as necessary and making appropriate and informed decisions regarding available time
  • Schedule internal and external meetings, coordinating all logistics and details, providing relevant preparation materials, and ensuring appropriate follow-up
  • Screen, direct, respond to, and prioritize calls and correspondence, facilitating the smooth exchange of information as a first point of contact for staff, board members, and external partners
  • Coordinate travel arrangements for the CEO and board members, including flights and lodging
  • Provide support to the board and several board committees. Schedule and arrange meetings, compile and distribute materials, attend meetings, prepare meeting minutes, and maintain corporate documents
  • Plan and oversee logistical arrangements for board and board committee meetings
  • Compose, edit, design, and format documents
  • Complete expense reports for reimbursement.


  • Proven experience as an Assistant, or in a similar administrative role, preferably supporting senior management
  • Fluent English written and spoken (German language is a plus)
  • Strong proficiency in office software, such as Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Driving license – cat B
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to interact effectively with individuals at all levels of the organization
  • Highly organized, with exceptional attention to detail and the ability to manage multiple priorities
  • Demonstrated ability to handle confidential and sensitive information with discretion and integrity
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to present data and insights in a clear and concise manner

What We Offer:

  • Immediate official employment under a permanent contract
  • Competitive salary with performance reviews every 6 to 12 months, plus the opportunity to earn additional income from insurance sales
  • Mentorship from a legal expert with over 20 years of experience in the insurance industry
  • Access to personal and professional development programs
  • A modern and motivating work environment within an international company with a legacy spanning nearly two centuries
  • Opportunities for international travel and knowledge exchange within the Grawe group
  • Clear career progression paths within the company
  • Comprehensive compensation package, including fuel and phone allowances and others
  • Convenient office location in the city center at Str. Alexandru Cel Bun, 51
  • Standard working hours from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM, with a one-hour lunch break. 

Additional Information:

  • Don’t hesitate to send your resume, even if you're not sure you're the right fit for us. We review all applications without exception.

Candidates interested in this position are requested to send their CV, including a photo, and indicate the job title they are applying for in the subject line to the following email address: job@grawe.md.

Ключевые навыки
Etica în muncă Învățare continuă Leadership Comunicare Soluționarea problemelor Time Management Reziliență Lucru în echipa Gândire critică Empatie Creativitate Adaptabilitate Managementul proiectelor Securitatea datelor Limbi străine Excel Analiza datelor Rezistență la frustrare Abilități interpersonale Toleranță Networking Umor Asertivitate


Служебный телефон

Скидки на продукты / услуги компании

Tранспортные расходы

Свежие фрукты

Кофе / чай / снеки

Корпоративная библиотека

Визитные карточки


Бонусы и премии


Курсы иностранных языков


Гибкий рабочий график

Дополнительные выходные

Подарки на разные случаи жизни


Покрытие расходов на профессиональную сертификацию

Баланс между работой и личной жизнью

Вознаграждение за лояльность

Персональные бонусы


Признание профессиональных навыков и повышение в должности

О компании

GRAWE Carat Asigurări este parte a unui concern financiar austriac solid - GRAWE GROUP care şi-a construit puterea financiară de-a lungul a peste 192 de ani de experiență în peste 13 țări și unește într-un tot unitar companii internaționale ce acoperă domeniile asigurări, bănci și imobiliare.

Istoria GRAWE în Moldova începe în anul 2004, iar din anul 2017 GRAWE Carat ocupă Locul 1 în Topul Companiilor de asigurări din Republica Moldova, fiind unica companie care oferă clienților întreaga gamă de asigurări, începând cu asigurări de viață cu capitalizare și asigurări generale - Auto, Medicale, de Bunuri la cele mai înalte standarde europene.

Dezvoltare, stabilitate, adaptabilitate, încredere și dinamism sunt valorile care ne definesc și pe care se bazează succesul companiei noastre, Misiunea noastră fiind siguranţă prin autonomie şi independenţă.

Pentru GRAWE CARAT, echipa este cel mai important pilon al succesului. Compania noastră a căutat tot timpul să-şi creeze o echipă de oameni dedicaţi, entuziaşti, care să se regăsească în cadrul echipei şi care să-şi dorească să participe activ la perpetuarea istoriei de succes a firmei. De la 3 persoane în 2004, compania are în prezent  peste 250 de angajați cu o arie de distribuție geografică ce cuprinde peste 30 de filiale răspândite pe întreg teritoriul Republicii Moldova.

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Адрес вакансии
Кишинёв, Центр, Alexandru cel Bun 51, Chisinau
Эл. почта:
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