Опубликовано вчера

Media buyer

Основная информация

от 10 000 MDL
Вид занятости:
Гимназия / Лицей, Высшее
Entry-Level (< 2 лет)

Описание вакансии

Hello guys!

We are looking for a passionate and dedicated Facebook Media Buyer to become a part of our expert team!


  • Launching Facebook Ads campaigns with unlimited budgets
  • Managing accounts on Facebook
  • Continuously optimizing Facebook Ads marketing campaigns and improving results and metrics (especially ROI and profit)
  • Constantly developing and testing strategies to enhance campaign performance
  • Monitoring audience and media trends, practices, and new technologies

Requirements and skills:

  • Familiarity with media-buying, planning and research
  • Interest in following advertising and media trends
  • Good analytical skills to identify consumer journey planning
  • Ability to manage multiple campaigns simultaneously


  • Official employment with a transparent payment system
  •  Modern, beautiful office located in the city center
  •  Flexible work culture
  •  Autonomy in carrying out job duties
  •  Ability to directly impact you financial income
  •  Pizza Day, Pie Day, and all kinds of tasty "Days" :)))

At Rider Media, you'll find an environment where intelligent and innovative people, results-oriented and exceeding expectations, share experiences, learn, and help each other!

If you're interested, send your CV to the email address - daniela@adnero.com, and let's get to know each other!

Ключевые навыки
Soluționarea problemelor Analiza datelor Statistică SEO/SEM marketing Creativitate Gândire critică


Свежие фрукты

Кофе / чай / снеки

Зона отдыха


Гибкий рабочий график

Баланс между работой и личной жизнью

О компании

We aim to develop and implement IT solutions to help the development and success of our customers because we know that our success builds on the success of our clients.

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