Опубликовано вчера

Logistics Safety Manager

Компания подтверждена
Вакансия прошла проверку
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Основная информация

800 USD
Вид занятости:
Профессионально-техническое, Высшее
Entry-Level (< 2 лет)
За границей, США

Описание вакансии

We provide transport logistics services in the USA. We currently have an open position for Logistics Safety Manager.

We expect from you:

Professional skills:

  • Work experience in logistics over 6 months
  • experience of work with insurance (drivers/equipment adding and removing)
  • experience of work with equipment claims;
  • knowledge of IFTA, permits, reports, Drug tests, DATAQ, MVR


  • Oversee the process of adding/removing trucks and drivers to/from the company’s policy.
  • Manage equipment claims
  • Ensure all company equipment in compliance with state and federal regulations, including registrations, IFTA and all other legal documentation for operating needs.
  • Verify and evaluate the qualifications, certifications, and records of prospective drivers.

Personal skills:

  • Excellent communication skills;
  • English — B2+
  • Attention to details;
  • Purposefulness.

We offer:

  • Remote work
  • Schedule: Mon-Fri 15:00−01:00
  • Competitive income;
  • Daily practice of English with native speakers
  • The internship is paid

We are waiting for your CV. Contact me via Viber +[показать номер]38 095 173 3829 — Yuliia

Good luck!

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