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IT Developer (SAP)

Основная информация

Вид занятости:
Entry-Level (< 2 лет)

Описание вакансии

Gilat Satellite Networks is a leading global provider of satellite-based broadband communications. Developing new, cutting-edge products and finding creative ways to take advantage of existing and emerging satellite communications technologies separates Gilat from the competition and provides added value for our customers.
Gilat Integration Team provides QA validation of network systems (Data, VOIP, RF) and management applications.


  • Research, design and develop corporate software programs
  • Test and evaluate new technologies
  • Identify areas for modification in existing programs and subsequently develop these modifications
  • Develop in multiple technologies including client-side and server-side
  • Work closely with other developers and business systems analysts 


  • Experience in SAP, ABAP
  • Advantage: experience with S4Hana, SQL, Fiori, software development
  • Motivated and self-learner
  • Excellent communications skills
  • High Level of English language proficiency

We offer you:

  • An exciting job opportunity in a fast-moving and fascinating industry with a unique learning experience in our company
  • Professional Trainings: online, external, certifications
  • A competitive salary and bonuses system
  • Office in the center of Chisinau in Skytower
  • Daily refreshments
  • Lunch compensation
  • Private Medical insurance inclusive dental

If you are willing to work in a good International Company and you correspond with the profile, please send a CV to: officemdc@gilat.com   
Note: Only CVs written in English shall be taken into consideration!

О компании

Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd (NASDAQ, TASE: GILT) is a leading provider of products and services for satellite-based broadband communications. Gilat develops and markets a wide range of high-performance satellite ground segment equipment and VSATs, with an increasing focus on the consumer and Ka-band market.

With over 30 years of experience, and over a million products shipped to more than 85 countries, Gilat has provided enterprises, service providers and operators with efficient and reliable satellite-based connectivity solutions, including cellular backhaul, banking, retail, e-government and rural communication networks.

We offer you:

  • A competitive salary and bonuses system
  • Professional Trainings: online, external, certifications
  • Lunch compensation
  • Refreshments
  • Private medical insurance, inclusive DENTAL

Отзывы о компании

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Адрес вакансии
Кишинёв, Центр, 63, Vlaicu Pircalab St 2012, Chișinău, Moldova
Эл. почта:
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