Недавно опубликовано

Asistent Director/ Personal assistent CEO

Основная информация
Вид занятости:
Entry-Level (< 2 лет)

Описание вакансии

Are you looking for an exciting and interesting job, with a lot of possibilities to travel and learn a lot of new areas? Then our offer fits you.


  • Assist the CEO within the different meetings
  • Reporting to senior management and performing secretarial and administrative duties.
  • Typing, formatting and editing reports, documents and presentations.
  • Scheduling appointments, maintaining an events calendar and sending reminders.
  • Copying, scanning and taking notes.
  • Fulfilling the tasks given by the CEO.


  • High education degree (for example: bachelor, master etc.).
  • Experience within similar position is an advantage.
  • Advanced user of Microsoft tools.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Knowledge of English, Romanian and Russian languages.
  • A presentable person.

We offer:

  • Attractive salary, according to experience.
  • Bonuses.
  • Working trips in Europe.
  • Computer and office supplies.

If interested, send your CV to: job@techinvest.md

О компании

Frank Technology, o nouă sucursală a entitatilor Tunetanken și Scan-Plast in Moldova, este o companie internațională care dezvoltă, produce și comercializează un număr mare de produse diferite fabricate integral sau parțial din materiale compozite armate cu fibre.

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