Опубликовано вчера

PHP developer

Основная информация

Вид занятости:
Entry-Level (< 2 лет)

Описание вакансии

We are looking for: The Laravel Developer  an IT professional specializing in developing web applications using Laravel Framework within PHP programming language. 

The Laravel Developer has the technical ability to implement server-side code written in the Laravel framework.
Your main responsibility will be designing and implementing applications that are written in PHP. You will work closely with front end developers to integrate backend components with the components they are creating for users to interact with.
To ensure success as a Laravel developer you should be adept at utilizing Laravel’s GUI and be able to design a PHP application from start to finish.


● Coordinate with co-developers and keep project manager well informed of the status and serve as liaison between development staff and project manager
● Build innovative, state-of-the-art applications and collaborate with the User Experience (UX) team
● Design and implement web applications that use the Laravel framework
● Implement server-side logic to process front inputs
● Identify and troubleshoot issues in the implementation and debug those that are found within code
● Testing functionality for users and the backend
● Interact with SQL databases
● Ensure HTML, CSS, and shared JavaScript is valid and consistent across applications
● Ensure all inputs going to a database have been parameterized
● Ensure the appropriate security standards have been implemented
● Ensure you have written unit test cases to verify code is performing as expected and to prevent security breaches
● Ensure integrations run smoothly
● Prepare and maintain all applications utilizing standard development tools
● Create written documentation for the different components
● Maintaining web-based applications
● Effectively convey all task progress, evaluations, suggestions, schedules along with technical and process issue
● Document the development process, architecture, and standard components
● Other duties as assigned


● Ability to problem solve and think critically
● High level HTML, CSS, JavaScript (ECMAScript 5, ECMAScript 6)
● High level of PHP and the Laravel framework in a bundle with full-stack framework Laravel Livewire
● Understanding of the MVC pattern
● Understanding of SQL databases (MySQL, Postgres in particular)
● Good interpersonal skills / Great communication


● 2 years’ experience working with PHP, performing unit testing, and managing APIs such as REST
● An understanding of application design using Laravel
● An understanding of Git. Git is the most commonly used version control system
● Knowledge of object-oriented PHP and Laravel 8 PHP Framework
● Proficiency in HTML and JavaScript
● Practical experience using the MVC architecture
● Keep abreast of latest trends and best practices in web development
● Passionate about technology with the desire and ability to learn

Interested? Send your CV on e-mail: hr@ultra.md">hr@ultra.md 

Ключевые навыки
Abilitatea de a învăța rapid Abilitatea de a soluționa eficient problemele Comunicare clară și eficientă HTML Inteligență emoțională Lucru în echipa Motivație PHP

О компании

ULTRA – 26 лет на молдавском рынке.

Динамично развивающаяся молдавская компания, лидирующая в широкопрофильной дистрибуции IT, бытовой техники и софта.

Наша мисия сохранять лидирующую позицию и обеспечивать рынок Молдовы передовыми технологиями и решениями.

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