Mai multe informații despre CV și posibilitatea de a contacta candidatul vor fi disponibile după înregistrare.
CV de la 10.07.2022

Support Engineer

Informații de bază

Nume, Prenume:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
Data nașterii:
30 Ianuarie 2001 (24 ani)
Program de lucru:
Număr de contact:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
Rețele sociale:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP

Domeniul de activitate

IT Software

Despre mine

Highly motivated and detail-oriented Junior Software Developer seeking an entry-level position to contribute to the development of innovative software solutions. Eager to apply my knowledge of software development principles, programming languages, and problem-solving skills to enhance user experiences and drive technological advancements.


Planet Group International


Ianuarie 2024 - Prezent
Software Developer


Development of xCP application for implementing and automate the content management process within the company. Support critical business functions through the development, implementation, and maintenance of the system. Contribute software development expertise for project and ensure that specifications are met.
Planet Group International

Documentum System Administration/Development and User Support (Chișinău)

August 2022 - Ianuarie 2024
(1 an 5 luni)
Support Application Engineer


Documentum System Administration and User Support for D2,XCP and EPFM Based System;
Managing Documentum Architecture; Troubleshooting issues (functional and operational issues);
Client communication;
New Functionalities analysis and implementation management;
Identifying platform bugs and managing the fix process with EMC via Service Requests;
Deployments and post deployment activities
Performance monitoring and performance improvements strategies
Impact Academies

IT courses (Chișinău)

Septembrie 2021 - Ianuarie 2023
(1 an 4 luni)


Curriculum Development: Designed and developed IT course materials and syllabi, ensuring alignment with industry standards and emerging technologies.
Instruction: Delivered engaging and interactive lectures, workshops, and hands-on labs to students, covering topics such as programming, networking, cybersecurity, and software development.
Student Assessment: Conducted regular assessments, exams, and projects to evaluate student progress, providing constructive feedback to support their growth.
Mentoring: Offered one-on-one guidance and mentorship to students, helping them overcome challenges, develop technical skills, and build problem-solving capabilities.
Continual Learning: Stayed abreast of the latest developments in the IT field, integrating cutting-edge trends and advancements into the curriculum to provide students with a competitive edge.
Technology Expertise: Demonstrated proficiency in a wide range of IT subjects and technologies, fostering a deep understanding among students.
Classroom Management: Maintained a positive and inclusive classroom atmosphere, encouraging active participation and fostering a passion for IT.
Collaboration: Collaborated with fellow educators and industry professionals to enhance program offerings and share best practices in IT education.

Studii (Superioare)

09.2019 - 06.2023

Facultatea, specialitatea: Tehnologii Informaționale și Statistica Economică, Tehnologii Informaționale

Oraș: Chișinău

Limbi străine

Rusa — Expert
Engleza — Mediu
Abilități cheie
Dom Windows Forms Abilități de ascultare C# (C sharp) Adaptabilitate Java Lucru în echipa SQL Javascript Wordpress Bootstrap CSS Blender Microsoft Office Git Editare imagini HTML Entuziasm Landing Web Layout Design Tilda Experience in Content Management Solutions

Cursuri / traininguri

01.08.2023 - ~
Web Developer


August 2022 - August 2022
Documentum Business Administrator

Septembrie 2023 - Septembrie 2023
Documentum D2 Business Analyst





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