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CV de la 05.04.2022

Architect (Senior, Chief, Lead), Design Director, Project Manager

60 000 lei

Informații de bază

Nume, Prenume:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
Data nașterii:
16 Septembrie 1971 (53 ani)
Program de lucru:
Full-time, Part-time
Număr de contact:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
Rețele sociale:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP

Domeniul de activitate

Arhitectură / Design Interior Construcții / Reparații / Instalații Project Management

Despre mine

20+ years of practical experience in design and construction of residential and commercial buildings, and hospitality interior design through all stages - from concept till handover. Master planning. Project Management. Villas, hotels, resorts, offices, multi-functional and multi-stores complexes, restaurants, retail.

Excellent time management, scheduling and team leading, thorough understanding of the entire design and construction process.

Tools & Software: AutoCad, Autodesk Revit + Enscape 3D, Rhino + Grasshopper, Unreal Engine, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, MS Project. Hand sketching.

Open minded, positive, stress-resistant, detail-oriented, responsible, high quality product spirit.

In Chisinau at the moment, open for interesting projects in Moldova and abroad.


Zezman Group, Odesa, Ukraine

Development, Construction (Odessa)

Noiembrie 2021 - Prezent
Design Director


- Project management:
- Preparation and supervision of work schedules;
- Participation in the drafting of projects structures;
- Supervision and coordination of processes between departments;
- Supervision of the performance of all departmental works.

- Search for subcontractors;
- Contract works with subcontractors: drafting, financial and schedule supervision, monitoring the contracts implementation;
- Analysis of received commercial proposals;
- Participation in monthly budgeting;
- Development of internal instructions - organizational and for design works.
Resort & Residence (Cambodia, Vietnam)

Architecture, Interior Design, Landscape design, Construction

Iulie 2017 - Octombrie 2021
(4 ani 3 luni)
Chief Architect


- Developing the company’s business strategy and general management;
- Expansion of the client base and creating the general concepts for new projects;
- Project management, including communication and coordination with key clients, subcontractors and suppliers;
- Ensuring compliance of the whole project with applicable international standards, government laws and regulations;
- Architectural and interior design from concept till detail drawings; preparation of specifications and estimated budget, review of subcontractor’s shop-drawings;
- Selecting technologies, materials, and equipment for projects.
SPACElogic International (Cambodia) Co., Ltd, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Interior Design, Fit Out Works

Mai 2015 - Iunie 2017
(2 ani 1 lună)
Design Team Lead


- Organization of the department’s work;
- Detection and specification of the main idea of the projects;
- Projects execution control;
- Communication and work with the Key Clients and sub-contractors
YA Group Holding Group / Lemma, Odesa, Ukraine

Architecture, Interior Design, Construction (Odessa)

Iulie 1997 - Aprilie 2015
(17 ani 9 luni)
Senior Managing Architect


- Increased the number of ongoing projects (tripled in some years);
- Created Quality Control System for work results;
- Implemented BIM - Autodesk Revit building design software;
- Organized an effective team (12 people).

- Providing company operation, achieving cost-effectiveness;
- Organization of cooperative design work involving contractors companies;
- Drafting and signing contracts;
- Development and standardization of the document flow;
- Control of projects implementation and fulfillment of obligations under contracts, drawing up detailed schedules of design work;
- Communication and work with the Key Clients;
- Participation in New-construction Building Commissioning Committee;
- Drawing up and supervision of detailed schedules of design work;
- On particularly complex objects:
• Performing Chief Architect’s functions;
• Development of Design Tasks and Specifications;
• Presentation and defense of the projects to the governmental institutions;
• Presentation of the project to the customer.
- Architectural design of villas and cottage villages;
- General planning and land improvement;
- Development of apartments interior design;
- Selection, preparation and analysis of the technical specifications of the materials and equipment to order.
Dileonardo International, Warwick, RI, USA

Interior Design for HORECA

Aprilie 1997 - Iunie 1997
(2 luni)
Designer Assistant / Draftsman


- Designing and visualization of buildings’ facades;
- Making detailed drafts of the interior space;
- Development of room layouts, including placement of furniture.

Teamwork on the following objects:
- Churchill Hotel, Providence, USA;
- Park Plaza International Hotel & Towers, Dubai - U.A.E;
- Chelsea Hotel, London, UK.

Studii (Superioare în desfășurare)

01.1970 - Prezent
Odesa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Facultatea, specialitatea: Architecture

Oraș: Odessa

Limbi străine

Engleza — Mediu
Rusa — Expert
Abilități cheie
AutoCAD Autodesk Revit Enscape 3D Rhino Grasshopper Unreal Engine Adobe Illustrator Photoshop MS Project Hand sketching

Permis de conducere

Categorie — B, C

Cursuri / traininguri

2016, 3 days
Green Village, Bali, Indonesia

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