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CV de la 12.08.2021

HR Specialist/Recruiter; Business Developer

Informații de bază

Nume, Prenume:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
Data nașterii:
01 Ianuarie 1996 (29 ani)
6 luni
Număr de contact:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP

Domeniul de activitate

Resurse umane / HR

Fișiere atașate

CV, scrisoare de intenție, prezentări sau portofoliu.

Despre mine

Hi there, my name is Tatiana. Travelling, studying and working in multicultural environments has enabled me to develop intercultural communication abilities and increased my passion for working with people from different cultural backgrounds. I recently finished my Master's Degree in Human Resources Management via Erasmus+ and Traineeship scholarships abroad, fulfilling my dream of being an international student and intern. I had two professional experiences until now - one of them as an IT Talent Recruiter in a Recruiting Agency in Timisoara, Romania and a remote one as a Vendor Manager in an IT Services Company in Chisinau, Moldova. Currently I am working on site in an Event Services Company in Barcelona, Spain. My biggest hobby is indulging in new experiences as food tasting and sometimes cooking, trying new sports, hiking and enjoying life as is. Besides that, I am a proud of my volunteering experiences at home and abroad but I'd rather tell you more in person. What are you most proud of?

Experiență (6 luni)

Erasmus Barcelona by Shaz

Human Resources (Spania)

August 2021 - Octombrie 2021
(2 luni)
HR Intern


✔️ Recruiting Interns on Marketing and Design roles;
✔️Conducting interviews with potential Interns;
✔️ Developing Performance Management Plans and Personal Development Plans;
✔️ Managing Performance of Interns.

Human Resources/Customer Relations (Moldova)

Iulie 2021 - Septembrie 2021
(2 luni)
Vendor Manager


✔️ Developed and maintained business relationships with all stakeholders of the customer, from project team members to C level executives (CEO, CTO);
✔️ Added ~ 50 new partners to the company's platform and helped with their onboarding process;
✔️ Updated and maintained over 100 partner accounts on the company's platform;
✔️ Held regular meetings with the IT Directors, CEO, CTO, and Line of Business leaders to keep updated on their leverage bench of IT professionals.
Easy Recruiting

Human Resources (România)

Ianuarie 2020 - Martie 2020
(2 luni)
Technical Recruiter


✔️Conducted recruitment processes for middle to top positions in the IT field;
✔️Sourced candidates by using the internal database, LinkedIn and GitHub;
✔️Maintained permanent communication with potential candidates.

Studii (Superioare)

10.2019 - 07.2021
Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara

Facultatea, specialitatea: Sociologie, Mangementul Resurselor Umane

Oraș: Spania

10.2019 - 10.2021
West University of Timisoara

Facultatea, specialitatea: Sociology, Human Resources Management

Oraș: Germania

Limbi străine

Engleza — Expert
Germana — Mediu


Octombrie 2017 - Octombrie 2019
AIESEC in Chisinau, Moldova

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