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CV de la 30.10.2024

Office Manager, Personal Assistant

25 000 lei

Informații de bază

Nume, Prenume:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
Data nașterii:
10 Noiembrie 1996 (28 ani)
3 ani 3 luni
Program de lucru:
Număr de contact:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
Rețele sociale:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP

Domeniul de activitate

Office / Back-office / Secretariat

Despre mine

I am am 28 years young and fast learning woman with extensive experience in international companies and a solid education in law, I am confident that I can make a significant contribution to your team.

I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Free International University of Moldova. Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to work in various international companies, where I have acquired essential skills. At DeFacto, I was initially hired as a sales consultant, but within a month, I was entrusted with all employee documents and contracts for over 100 employees. In just one month, I managed to bring all documents in compliance with the current legislation, demonstrating my ability to handle complex tasks and meet deadlines.

I believe that my experience in managing documentation and my organizational skills will be of great value to your team. I am eager to continue growing and learning alongside dedicated professionals and to contribute to the company’s success through my active involvement.

Experiență (3 ani 3 luni)

Europcell GmbH


Aprilie 2022 - Martie 2023
(11 luni)
Office Manager


- Managing reception duties including receiving, processing, and disseminating information via phone calls,
email, printing, and fax.
- Overseeing the documentation flow of the company, handling invoices, letters, contracts, and additional
- Providing assistance to employees by addressing their needs and requests.
- Planning office expenses, maintaining the monthly budget, and procuring office supplies.
- Participating in HR processes by coordinating interviews and test interviews for potential employees.
- Planning and organizing meetings, trainings, and corporate events.
- Arranging travel logistics and preparing necessary legal documents for business trips.
- Initiated the establishment of social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn for
Europcell GmbH to attract more business partners and future potential specialists, introducing a completely
new environment for colleagues in Germany.
Safeguard Global


Mai 2019 - Februarie 2021
(1 an 9 luni)
Office Manager


The Company Safeguard Global (formerly known as Admin-Me is a global provider of
accounting, payroll, and HR administration services for international customers. This company helps people
get paid in over 179 countries through our global managed payroll and workforce solutions.
My responsibilities here are:
- Reception, processing and distribution of information (phone calls, e-mail, printing, fax)
- Handling the documentation flow of the company (invoices, letters, contracts, add. Agrements ect.)
- Assisting the employees of the company with their needs and requests;
- Planning office expenses, keeping the monthly budget and purchasing for the office
- Involved in HR processes (organise interviews and test interviews for potential employees)
- Planing and organise meetings and trainings
- Planing and organise corporate events
- Make travel arrangements and prepare all necesary legal documents for business trip
DeFacto SRL


Iunie 2018 - Ianuarie 2019
(7 luni)
Personal Assistant & HR manager


At Defacto I began to work as a cashier, because I had previous experience I quickly lern and start work with
their system, Soon I began to take more responsibility. I started with the managers' work, all about
calculating money, declaring them in the reports for the Turkish administration and Moldovian Accounting
department. Have good PC skills, have experience with 1C program. Accomplish with store invoices, with
their paying and declaring for Turkish and Moldovian accounting department. I managed all employee
contracts and all employment process, completing their labour books in accordance with the legislation in
Moldova. Open for them salary bank accounts. At the end of the month prepare for all employes an puantaj
table with their working hours, also I have learned how to calculate the salary. Beside it I help my Manager
to make, check or negotiate an contract with other potential partners.
- Take care, check and prepare contracts and additional agreement for all company's suppliers
- And other task given by my manager

Studii (Superioare)

09.2017 - 06.2022
Universitatea Libera Internațională din Moldova

Facultatea, specialitatea: Drept

Oraș: Chișinău

Limbi străine

Româna — Nativ
Engleza — Expert
Germana — Mediu
Rusa — Nativ
Abilități cheie
Analiza datelor Excel Limbi străine Adaptabilitate Comunicare Creativitate Etica în muncă Gândire critică Învățare continuă Leadership Lucru în echipa Rezistență la frustrare Soluționarea problemelor Time Management

Cursuri / traininguri

2023, 6 luni
Curs de limba Germana



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