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CV de la 15.08.2024

Java Developer

Informații de bază

Nume, Prenume:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
Data nașterii:
23 Decembrie 1997 (27 ani)
Program de lucru:
Full-time, Program flexibil
Număr de contact:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
Rețele sociale:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP

Domeniul de activitate

Inginerie IT Hardware IT Software

Despre mine

Middle Developer and Team Lead 3+ years of experience in a company creating market-leading products in the 1C ecosystem for the fitness, beauty, and health sectors.

Recent key achievements include: developing and implementing features to optimize client scheduling and increase staff utilization, refining financial, marketing, and other product modules, enhancing performance, and integrating with 9+ popular payment, analytics, and other services.

Experienced in leading a small team and mentoring junior developers.

For the past 8 months, I have been actively learning Java and related technologies and have completed a pet project in Java, which is available on GitHub.

I am a team player, enhance code quality, seek optimal problem-solving solutions, and meet deadlines.

Aiming to shift my focus from 1C to Java development. I am eager to apply my accumulated experience, soft skills, and new Java knowledge to contribute to the growth of projects in your team!




Decembrie 2023 - Prezent
Java Developer


• Implemented my own Pet project in Java from scratch: Telegram bot @RealBirthdayNotifierBot
- The bot conveniently reminds about friends' birthdays (by time, day), integrates with VKontakte.
- Got practical experience working with Java, Spring, PostgreSQL, SQL, Redis.

• Completed online courses from Udemy (Zaur Tregulov), Youtube (Alishev):
- JAVA - get a Black Belt!
- Spring for beginners
- SQL for beginners
- Java for beginners

• Completed an offline course with practice from Team24 (Tiraspol): “Development of Android applications in Java”
Helix, Tiraspol


Iulie 2021 - Prezent
1C-developer, teamlead


• Support and development of software: 1C: Fitness Club, 1C: Beauty Salon, 1C: Dentistry.

• Key achievements:
- Developed and implemented functionality to optimize client registration and increase staff workload (waiting list, appointment log, client registration for an appointment, workload visualization, etc.);
- Optimized database queries and code, increasing the performance of system nodes;
- Implemented integrations with 8+ popular services: YandexPay, Paygine, Yukassa, Yandex.Business, 1C: Business Network, Comagic/UIS, Yandex.Metrica, ThroneBaron, BioSmart ACS.

• Improvements:
- Refinement of the functionality of marketing campaigns, salary calculations, medical records, financial block, etc.
- Elimination of critical errors, individual software modifications based on customer requests.

• Leadership (since 2024): Trained 2 interns from Trainee to Junior level, conducted code review
CCI PMR, Tiraspol


Noiembrie 2019 - Iunie 2021
(1 an 7 luni)
Head of Marketing and Advertising Department


• Management:
- Managed a department of 3 specialists (designer and marketer).
- Made key management decisions, drew up financial, operational and strategic plans for the department, reports. Represented the department at conferences, round tables, meetings.

• Project management:
- Developed the marketing part of the projects: “Buy Pridnestrovian”, “Business Mentoring-3”, “Dual Education”, as well as financial plans and schedules for marketing research, etc.
- Conducted negotiations with local authorities, contractors, was responsible for outdoor and TV advertising.

• Analytics and research:
- We studied consumer preferences of residents throughout Transnistria;
- We studied preferences and popularity of professions among 9th grade schoolchildren within the framework of the project "Dual Education", identified 3 new professions, which were then introduced into technical schools of the PMR.

Studii (Superioare)

09.2021 - 06.2022
Tiraspol Interregional University

Facultatea, specialitatea: Asset Management, Economics (Master degree)

Oraș: Tiraspol

09.2015 - 06.2021
Synergy University (Tiraspol branch)

Facultatea, specialitatea: Management, Economics (Bachelor degree)

Oraș: Tiraspol

Limbi străine

Rusa — Nativ
Engleza — Începător
Româna — Începător
Abilități cheie
Java Spring framework SQL 1C 1C query language Redis RabbitMQ Docker Git HTML CSS Potman REST API

Permis de conducere

Categorie — A, B
Cu automobil Personal

Cursuri / traininguri

2023, ~2 месяц
Alishev - Java for Beginners
2024, ~2 месяца
Zaur Tregulov - JAVA – get a Black Belt!
2024, ~2 месяца
Zaur Tregulov - Spring for Beginners
2024, ~2 месяца
Zaur Tregulov - SQL for Beginners
2024, ~3 месяца
Development of Android applications in Java
2022, ~2 месяца
Technological Entrepreneurship (Project Management)


August 2018 - Noiembrie 2019
Charity Foundation "Heart", Bender

The projects of the "Heart" charity foundation are aimed at supporting and informally developing the youth of Bender and Tiraspol, as well as providing small grant support to youth initiative groups.


August 2019 - August 2019
"Training for Trainers" - "Contact Center", Chisinau

3-day training for leaders and active members of NGOs of Transnistria on how to conduct trainings.
Speakers: Sergey Lysenko and Sergey Neykovchen
More details:


I like to understand the principles of operation of various things, repair various devices.

And also experiment: I made an automatic cat feeder on Arduino, as well as an automatic system for growing microgreens using hydroponics technology.


My family and all my friends who believe in me

My girlfriend Olga ()

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