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CV de la 04.12.2023

Front-End Developer

Informații de bază

Nume, Prenume:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
Data nașterii:
23 August 2002 (22 ani)
6 luni
Program de lucru:
Full-time, Part-time
Număr de contact:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
Rețele sociale:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP

Domeniul de activitate

IT Software

Despre mine

Hello! My name is Bogdan, and I've been involved in programming for three years. It's not just a job for me – it's my passion. During this time, I've mastered the full stack in JavaScript and have created several personal projects that went through the entire development cycle. My goal is to continue growing and contributing to the exciting world of programming.

Experiență (6 luni)

Quadro Design


Martie 2023 - Septembrie 2023
(6 luni)
Front-End Developer


In my previous role as a frontend developer, I handled the end-to-end development cycle of web applications, excluding design. My responsibilities included crafting functional and interactive user interfaces using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Additionally, I undertook tasks such as creating backups and deploying multiple websites. My contributions played a pivotal role in the successful completion of projects and the attainment of their objectives.

Studii (Medii)

01.1970 - Prezent

Profil: Gryffindor

Oraș: Chișinău

Limbi străine

Româna — Expert
Engleza — Mediu
Rusa — Expert
Abilități cheie
TypeScript Redux Express Scss Next.js Vuex Vue Scrum OOP SOLID Командная работа Адаптивность Time Management Javascript RestApi React Sql Front-end NoSql Back-end Time Management Командная работа Устойчивость к разочерованиям Чувтсво юмора MongoDb NodeJS Express MySql postgresql

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