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CV de la 26.11.2023

React JS, React Native, Node js Develope

40 000 lei

Informații de bază

Nume, Prenume:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
Data nașterii:
05 Februarie 1993 (32 ani)
Program de lucru:
Număr de contact:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
Rețele sociale:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP

Domeniul de activitate

IT Software

Despre mine

Ability to multitask and high
analytical skills allow me to work effectively with
large volumes of information, quickly find high-quality
solving complex problems. In my free time from work I go to
gym and learning English additionally, getting acquainted with
articles about new technologies and capabilities of new versions
libraries, in practice I test them locally


Oneest company, Chishinau, Moldova


Iunie 2022 - Prezent
React JS, React Native, Node js Develope


Site of the company:
Creating a user interface for both mobile and desktop. Most of the
tools and libraries are the same
as at the previous place of work. SEO focused product. Additionally,
the work of the SEO manager was performed. Github was used for
commits, Active Collab was used for working with tasks. For Slack
communication. I started writing the product on my own as a react
developer, and I continue successfully on my own. A fundamental
difference from the previous place of work, since they worked
according to the MVP principle, most of the functionality is
immediately uploaded to production with minimal testing. There are
pros and cons. This is the nature of the application.
List of desctop applications:
stack(next js, tailwind, react js, centrifuge js and other)
Streaming services divided by domain for various sports. With
statistics of past matches, live events and the ability to watch live

stack(react js, tailwind, socket-io.client, react-router-dom and
Managed widget with sports streams that you can upload to your
website. The interface for setting up the widget can be found at this
stack(react js, tailwind, node js, express, mongoose, minio, react
swiper, react hooks-form, react-riuter-dom and other)
Service for watching sports channels and live events. Has the ability
to authorize and expanded access, allowing you to edit content.
7.jokerlivestream react native app
application stack(react-native)
stack(react native, redux toolkit, react-native-navigation, react-
native-webview, centrifuge js, react-native-getsure-hendler, react-
native-reanimeted, react-push-notification)
Mobile application for watching live football events. Has the ability to
add favorites and watch the stream of any sport. With data changing
during the match.


stack(react native, react-native-maps, RTK, react-native-getsure-handler, react-native reanimated, react-native-asynk-storage, JWT token technology)

Mobile application for job search for US citizens. Possibility of registration, search for work in your city or in other cities. Ability to save favorites.
Dex Technology, Tiraspol, Moldova


Aprilie 2021 - Mai 2022
(1 an 1 lună)
React JS Developer


Building websites using the react library. Working with class and
functional components, using hooks, memoization, lazy loading,
customization of any kind of logic with their help. Working with Next js,
semantic layout, SSR. Work as a state manager of redux. Using such UI
libraries as Ant Design, Material UI, Bootsrap. Using Sass, Less, Css
modules, native css, styled-components. API implementation using
fetch and axios. GitLab was used for commits. Jira was used for time
tracking and task creation. swagger, postman was used to test api.

Sites in the creation of which he was directly involved:
stack (react js, next js, redux, styled-components and others)

project focused exclusively on US citizens. User Interface for Buying
and Selling Gift Cards of Different Resellers;
stack (react js, redux, Antd v4, styled-components and others)
Administrative panels for working with the sale of cards for public
transport for citizens of large Russian cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg).
Maps for any type of transport including metro (P. S. Commercial
project, there is no access for any user, but you can follow the link);
stack (react js, redux, Antd v4, styled-components and others)
Administrative panel for working with sports sites from the bookmaker
winline. Work with players in teams tournaments and so on. (P.S. Used
the site template from the previous link, so the stack is the same);
stack (react js, next js, styled-components and others)
Site for Spartacus fans. User interface. (P.S. The above-mentioned
admin panels were created for such sites)
SoftSolution Ltd, Ribnitsa, Moldova


Ianuarie 2020 - Martie 2021
(1 an 2 luni)
React Developer, Javascript Developer


Developer of client software using the react js library, scc modules,
Redux FCA. Development of landing pages using html, CSS and
Javascript. Сreation and support of an administrative panel for
commercial use. The administrative panel includes a calendar with a
schedule of employee shifts. Authorization, Ability to create notes,
TODO list, sending alerts.

stack(react js, formik, redux FCA, react-selector, react-swiper,
Moldovan Customs, Ribnitsa


Iulie 2016 - Iunie 2021
(4 ani 11 luni)
Technical Support Inspector


Moldovan Customs, Ribnitsa Technical support of software products
(applications) used in customs authorities (INSPECTOR OTO, ASU NTP
1-C, accounting of payments, unified automated system, basis,
website https: //

Studii (Superioare)

09.2011 - 07.2016
Russian Customs Academy V.B.Bobkov, Saints-Petersburg

Facultatea, specialitatea: Technical means of customs control

Țara: Russian Federation

09.2000 - 06.2011
high school 8, Ribnitsa, Moldova;

Profil: -

Oraș: Râbnița

Limbi străine

Engleza — Expert
Rusa — Expert
Abilități cheie
React JS React Native Node JS Redux TypeScript Next js JavaScript HTML CSS


Guitar, jym

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