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CV de la 18.10.2023

I am ready to accept any function

Informații de bază

Nume, Prenume:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
Data nașterii:
23 Iulie 1995 (29 ani)
Program de lucru:
Part-time, În ture
Număr de contact:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
Rețele sociale:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP

Domeniul de activitate

IT Software Limbi străine / Traduceri Office / Back-office / Secretariat ONG / Asistență Socială

Despre mine

I am Brazilian.

Systems Analyst with experience and activities in the areas of legal informatics, business intelligence, web development, SQL coding, IT infrastructure. In the moment I am working with legal auditing.
Sometimes I worked with Digital Marketing, making services for a company named by Best Digital Marketing, in activities such as Google Analytics, Yandex Metrica and Yandex Advertising Network configurations.
In addition to my experience in the field of information technology, I have also pursued a personal interest in language learning. I am currently studying the Russian language and have found it to be both challenging and rewarding.


Court of Justice of the State of Paraná (Court from Brazil)


Septembrie 2023 - Prezent
Legal Auditing Intern


→ I made an automated application automate to verify if a minutes and agendas sessions were published on Electronical Legal Process from Court. This app coded in PowerShell and accelerate the analysis of compliance processes inside of institution about legal sessions from hours to minutes.
→ I identified if the identity documents of defendants on legal processes were corrects, accessing all legal motions inside the processes and fixed more than 300 identity numbers from defendants.
→ I wrote manuals to help the legal professionals on the use of Business Intelligence tool of the Court. These documents helped magistrates and legal consultants on the interpretation of judiciary indicators.


Iunie 2022 - Aprilie 2023
(10 luni)
Compliance Analyst


→ Taught english language to colleagues of company, to help them the principal concepts
of idiom for the work;
→Developed an application in Python to read minutes in PDF and extract them bank accounts, making the crossing with Excel columns about financial details, helping the Assurance team to identify possible frauds.
→Wrote SOC Reports about Information Technology General Controls, explaining extracted evidences about, Access Management, Changes Management and IT technology operations.
→Developed assessment reports and presents, related information security risk with cooperative clients, identifying if the policies them companies are compliance from Central Bank of Brazil rules.
→Identified GAP’s about cybersecurity policies, evidences of information security tools, signaling the companies each critical point that were found on your processes.
→Implemented a Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) tool, to help the implement an audit process in financial institutions.
Атос АйТи Солюшенс энд Сервисез


Iunie 2021 - Octombrie 2021
(4 luni)
Database Developer


→ Leadership in coding an invoice generator for the financial team of a university, in which these invoices must be executed once a month, making the work of this educational institution faster and more modern.
→ Standardization of all reports produced in SQL to be imported into Metabase. This process made it easy for users to extract reports quickly and autonomously.
→ Developed Joins and Subqueries to simplify linking between multiple tables and improve the performance of educational data queries by optimizing export to CSV or Excel.

→ Tutored new developers on the main procedures performed in the development team. This allowed the environment to become conducive to learning and growth.
Court of Justice of the State of Paraná (Court from Brazil)


August 2019 - Mai 2022
(2 ani 9 luni)
Intern and Graduate Intern


→ Developed an application in Python to identify the IP (Internet Protocol) of geographic coordinates about users that accessed the Court network and verify if the accesses are legitimate or from a bot, in which this application was implemented on EC2 environment service of AWS (Amazon Web Services).
→ Implemented a script on Qlik Sense to call a REST API, that return the geographic coordinates of users sending the IP number that accesses the network of Court.
→ Developed of an application in Qlik Sense to monitor all warrant centers in the state of Paraná.
→ Created map charts to verifiy the positions of important addresses of the state of Paraná.
→ Developed charts with color combinations to help the magistrates, on analysis of legal data.

→ Assistance to the chief statistician of the internal affairs department in the development of applications with QlikSense to solve statistical problems, requested by the court magistrates
→ Developed workflow to follow up requests on the Court's information systems, using the BPMN process ( Business Process Modeling Notaiton).
→ Implemented scripts in Qlik Sense to load data from QVD (Qlik View Data), with filters requested by users.
→ Created KPI's to help magistrates know the Court's legal indicators.
→ Implemented dashboards such as line charts, pie charts, pivot tables, calendars and charts viz.
→ Delivery of reports regarding criminal transactions with the QlikSense program to the 2nd Vice President of the Court, understanding their needs and answering questions.
→ Developed an application for prison monitoring, developed together with the CNJ - National Council of Justice of Brazil - to monitor criminal proceedings in the state.
→ Implemented interactive maps, so that magistrates can monitor the progress of criminal proceedings in prisons in all districts of the State of Paraná.
Bank of Brazil


August 2018 - Iulie 2019
(11 luni)
Information Technology Intern


→ Delivery of a system for property leasing contracts developed in PHP for the employees of the
financial institution, thus digitizing all the hiring processes in the property sector. For the front-end,
the Angular framework was used and for the database or MySQL manager.
→ I made a PHPMailer script to send corporative e-mails, to communicate the professionals from sector about updates from system and activies that the needed to do about client wallets .
→ Led the team of interns in the requirements analysis process and modeling of the lease contract
→ Implemented a module in the rental contacts, to control the access time on each page of the
→ I made a code to upload files from PHP backend, that had the objective to store client files in the server.
→ Developed diagrams in UML as Use Cases, Sequence and Activity for the implemented system.

→ Led the deployment of a Linux server in the Bank's equity sector, through the SMB file protocol and the SAMBA program.
→ Configured of the Iptables Firewall with a tool to access the machine through the protocols: SSH (Remote Access via Shell), Netbios (File Sharing) and ICMP (Testing Connectivity).
→ User management codes created to add or remove, in addition to creating files to control or access no managed files.
→ Developed services in Shell files, which performs backups from one server to another, where the machine was generated with a development key to access Openssl.
→ Configured the Linux server, such as creating a password for a superuser, accessing the shadow file (Linux Password File). Configuration of users who can access the shared DNS file to create the users of the file.
→ Implemented a code in Bash Shell that identifies the IP or the name of the user connected to the shared server on the server, using a nmblookup tool.

Studii (Superioare în desfășurare)

09.2023 - Prezent
International University Center - Brazil

Facultatea, specialitatea: International Affairs, Post-Graduate Degree in Diplomacy, Public Policies and International Cooperation

Țara: Brazil

05.2018 - 11.2020
Educational College of Lapa

Profil: Systems Analyst

Țara: Brazil

Limbi străine

Portugheza — Expert
Engleza — Mediu
Rusa — Începător

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