Mai multe informații despre CV și posibilitatea de a contacta candidatul vor fi disponibile după înregistrare.
CV de la 01.06.2023

I am ready to accept any function

15 000 lei

Informații de bază

Nume, Prenume:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
Data nașterii:
02 Mai 1997 (27 ani)
7 ani 1 lună
Program de lucru:
Număr de contact:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP
Rețele sociale:
*disponibil în Premium de la 3 luni și VIP

Domeniul de activitate

Freelance Limbi străine / Traduceri Logistică / Depozit / Administrativ Office / Back-office / Secretariat Relații clienți / Call centre Turism / Hotel staff

Despre mine

I am an enthusiastic and hardworking person. Having worked in different fields from tourism to logistics, I've always gave everything I had in order to improve myself and provide good results. Working in a team is of upmost importance for me, however I'm always ready for new challenges. 

Experiență (7 ani 1 lună)



Noiembrie 2022 - Iunie 2023
(7 luni)
Training department representative


Training new hires
Creating training materials
Improving the skills of sales agents by providing comprehensive trainings


Martie 2022 - Noiembrie 2022
(8 luni)
Customer service representative


Assisting active users with different technical and billing issues
E-commerce support
Communication with users through chat
Epic Games


Noiembrie 2021 - Martie 2022
(4 luni)
Customer support representative


Connecting with users through Zendesk
Assisting with technical and billing issues


August 2020 - Martie 2022
(1 an 7 luni)
Logistics specialist


Building routes and assigning corresponding loads
Expanding the area of operations
Analysis and creation of the company’s strategy for growth


Septembrie 2019 - Ianuarie 2020
(4 luni)
Business development manager


Connecting with prospects and offering the company’s products and services


Februarie 2018 - Septembrie 2019
(1 an 7 luni)
Sales Agent


Connecting with potential customers
Selling flight tickets and assisting with any issues, should they appear
DPS Truck


Ianuarie 2017 - Februarie 2018
(1 an 1 lună)
Truck dispatch


Finding loads for drivers in U.S.
Connecting with brokers and negotiating the prices
Acord Travel


Februarie 2016 - Ianuarie 2017
(11 luni)
Business development representative


Calling students and offering our services
Presenting our products and services to students in person

Studii (Superioare)

09.2016 - 05.2018
State University of Moldova

Facultatea, specialitatea: International relations

Oraș: Chișinău

Limbi străine

Româna — Expert
Engleza — Expert
Rusa — Expert
Abilități cheie
Ability to learn quickly Ability to solve problems effectively Adaptability Attention to detail and aesthetic sense Buyer Engagement Clear and efficient communication CMS tools Cold calls Communication skills Conflict management Critical thinking Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Emotional intelligence Empathy Enthusiasm Intercultural skills Listening skills Motivation Physical resistance Precision Teamwork


I'm a musician, playing drums and piano.



Alisa Braguta ()

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