- I am a hard worker
- I work very well in teams
- I work very well under pressure
- I have good managerial skills
(United States)
Worked in a team to ensure smooth winemaking operations.(Chișinău)
As an Insurance Manager and Underwriter in the agricultural sector, my responsibilities include:Hospitality (United States)
Serving food and beverages while maintaining high quality formal table service toOenologie (Romania)
In the position of cellar hand, I was busy with the extensive processes that take placeFacultatea, specialitatea: MASTER DEGREE IN TECHNOLOGY AND QUALITY CONTROL OF BEVERAGES
Țara: Romania
Facultatea, specialitatea: Erasmus Studies
Țara: Italy
Facultatea, specialitatea: Erasmus Studies
Țara: Poland
Facultatea, specialitatea: Erasmus Traineeship
Țara: Poland
Facultatea, specialitatea: Horticulture engineer
Țara: Romania
Field of study : Personal skills and development
Main subject / occupational skills covered:
Member of the Human Resources department involved in all activities of the department such as
- Recruitment
- Organizing events for the association - such as teambuilding, book launches, parties :)
- We also organized fairs for students who were planning to go to one of the Universities in Iasi
Hiking - That activity of walking long distances on foot give a lot of pleasure
Playing on Saxophone - During my studies in general school I learned to play the saxophone, which opened the door to the world of music and passion