Publicat Ieri

Senior Software Tester

Informații de bază

Program de lucru:
Senior-Level (> 5 ani)

Descrierea poziției vacante

We are actively seeking a Software Tester to become part of our dynamic team.

As a Software Tester, your mission is to work efficiently, accurately, and ensure that the software maintains the highest quality. You will examine internal and external requirements, collaborate closely with the development team, and translate these needs into test cases.

In this role, you'll create and document test cases, write automated UI tests, and ensure comprehensive documentation is in place for all software features. You will play a vital part in shaping the quality of our products through a combination of technical skill and proactive involvement. This involves understanding and mapping the needs and expectations of users. Besides your experience, we think it’s just as important that you're as passionate as the rest of our team. You know your how to get things done and enjoy keeping your knowledge and skills up to date.


  • UI testing (through Selenium)
  • End-to-end and integration testing
  • Performance testing
  • Automation of front-end and backend functionalities
  • Preparation of test plans and reports
  • Analysing test results
  • Actively and proactively contribute to improving your work
  • Create and work on End-User Documentation
  • Organising workshops/UAT’s for internal stakeholders


  • At least 5 years of relevant work experience
  • High level of English (written and spoken)
  • Proficient in coding (Microsoft Stack)
  • Able read/create UML diagrams
  • You have knowledge of: C#, SQL databases and .NET Core
  • You have experience with Selenium and SpecFlow (BDD)

We are appreciated for:

  • Daily shared lunches
  • Prepaid Udemy and Laracast accounts
  • Referral bonus for internal and external recommendations
  • Fun ways to relax: PlayStation, table tennis
  • Corporate events for employees
  • Beverage fridge, free coffee, tea, fresh fruits
  • Modern equipment
  • Official employment and social package
  • Modern and comfortable workplace
Submit your CV at: to join a company as UNIQUE as YOU are!

For more information, please visit our website at or call us: [vezi telefon]069499934.

Despre companie

BackstageIT is a strong IT company that helps worldwide partners extend their in-house teams of software developers in Moldova. From 2019 we are helping businesses mirror their brand identity inside the office from Moldova. The teams work from Backstage office, but share the same corporate culture & values as the partner company does.

Currently, the company has 100 employees and 15 international partners from 5 different countries.

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Adresa postului vacant
Chișinău, str. Columna 102
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