Publicat Ieri

Junior/Middle .NET/FullStack

Top Angajator 2024
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Top Angajator 2024
5 star star star star star 1 recenzie
Informații de bază
Program de lucru:
Entry-Level (< 2 ani), Mid-Level (2-5 ani)

Descrierea poziției vacante

The Role:

We are looking for developers that are equally talented at back-end and front-end development and can easily slot into our talented team building a wide-range of digital solutions for myriad high-profile clients around the world. The role would be fully remote, working for our Chişinău subsidiary office, with opportunities to travel to visit our UK-based team on an ad-hoc basis. Our ideal candidate will be self-motivated, passionate, and keen to grow and thereby deliver a significant contribution to the team in our fast-paced working environment. Our business is built on trusting and empowering our people, and believing that the best way to learn, is to do, supported by comprehensive training resources within the framework of a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program. You won’t spend time waiting to start the ‘real work’, you will be placed on a project soon after joining and will be given the opportunity to develop your skills, build your experience and make a meaningful impact.


  • .NET development (Microsoft .NET, .NET Core / Web API / SQL Server),
  • Working with leading .NET-based content management systems e.g. Umbraco & Kentico,
  • Working in (on a project-by-project basis) small, agile teams, of 2 to 6 people,
  • Maintaining code quality with regular 360 code reviews, E2E Testing, and Continuous Integration & Delivery.

Preferred Experience:

  • C# .NET, MVC, Java or Other Object-Oriented Development Experience
  • SQL Server
  • HTML & CSS
  • JavaScript, TypeScript - good to have
  • Umbraco and/or other CMS experience
  • AngularJS, React - good to have
  • Git and/or Source Control
  • Back-end (Unit) Testing
  • Ability to adapt to a high-pressure, reactive working environment
  • Self-motivated & delivery-focused

What to Expect:

  • Type: Full-time, permanent.
  • Working Hours: 37.5 hours, Monday-Friday.
  • Salary: Competitive & negotiable based on experience.
  • Location: Remote. Opportunities to travel to the UK on an ad-hoc basis.
  • Training & CPD: Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training program with allocated training time (at least 5 days per annum) and budget.
  • Performance & Pay Reviews: Annual pay and performance reviews.

Give it a go! Be sure to send in your resume to 

Call for details: +[vezi telefon]37360037785

Despre companie

Compania HR-Consulting a fost fondată în anul 1995 în temeiul unei simple idei - să susţină companiile în recrutarea personalului profesionist.

Ne străduim să selectăm cei mai potriviți specialiști pentru business-ul clienților noștri, astfel încât aceștia să se încadreze ușor în cultura companiei și să se integreze rapid în activitatea desfășurată, pentru a aduce cele mai bune rezultate.

Mergem în întâmpinarea fiecărui client și candidat, astfel încât să putem stabili o relație durabilă între toți jucătorii pieței de muncă și să clădim punți trainice între cele două maluri ale acesteia. 

Prima care a lansat astfel de servicii în Republica Moldova, HR-Consulting nu s-a limitat doar la Recrutarea de personal, dar a implementat și astfel de servicii precum Leasing-ul de personal, Administrarea dosarelor de personal și Efectuarea studiilor de salarizare, completând în întregime portofoliul de servicii în domeniul resurselor umane. 

Recenziile companiei

Evaluează compania:
5 star star star star star 1 recenzie
Carabinovici Lilian
5 star star star star star
19 Decembrie 2024
Gata de munca


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