Is the Flight Crew Application process proving complex and lengthy for you?
Introducing Wizz Air's One-Door Pilot Application
What makes it unique?
Swift & easy process
Quick response time & feedback from Wizz Air Malta Recruitment team
Rapid progression to final recruitment stages & 1-day assessment for Captains for Rome events
Alternative roles offered to match the highest qualification
Seamless & streamlined experience for pilots
Complete a Pilot Application form today to explore new roster patterns, enjoy fantastic benefits, and find out more about exciting career opportunities
Bonus added to the yearly base salary after each 1,000 hours flown with Wizz Air (only applicable to Captains)
Advanced career progression (Safety Captains / Line Training Captain / Instructor / Management Pilot)
Travel benefits on Wizz Air flights
World-class training
Young and modern fleet from Airbus A320 family
One of Europe’s fastest-growing airlines
One of Europe’s greenest airlines operating with the lowest CO2 emissions per passenger
Leading low-cost carrier
Financially secure company
Indefinite contract
Loss of license, travel, and life insurance provided
At Wizz Air we believe that travel provides opportunities that can make life and the world around us better. Wizz Air is one of the leading low-cost airlines founded in 2003. We carried more than 60 million passengers in the past 2 years and continue to grow, expanding in Europe and Middle East by adding new countries, new destinations and new opportunities to travel. By 2030, we aim to have over 500 aircraft covering our network.
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Cum este să lucrezi printre nori alături de echipa Wizz Air?
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