Publicat Ieri

Android Developer

crown Companie VIP

Informații de bază

Program de lucru:
Entry-Level (< 2 ani), Mid-Level (2-5 ani), Senior-Level (> 5 ani)

Descrierea poziției vacante

As a software engineer, you will be assigned to a specific project with the opportunity to switch teams and projects as our fast-paced business grows and evolves. We require our engineers to be versatile, display leadership qualities, and be enthusiastic about tackling new problems across the full-stack as we continue to push technology forward.

Using your technical expertise, you will manage project priorities, deadlines, and deliverables. You will design, develop, test, deploy, maintain, and improve software solutions.

Job Responsibilities:

  • Write code for product or system development.
  • Participate in or lead design reviews with peers and stakeholders to decide on the best available technologies.
  • Review code developed by other developers and provide feedback to ensure adherence to best practices (e.g., style guidelines, code check-in, accuracy, testability, and efficiency).
  • Contribute to existing documentation or educational content and update it based on product/program changes and user feedback.
  • Debug/track/resolve product or system issues by analyzing their sources and impact on hardware, network, or service operations and quality.

Need to have:

  • Experience in developing Android applications.
  • Proficiency in one or more programming languages (e.g. Kotlin, Java).
  • Experience in developing accessible technologies.
  • A Bachelor"s degree or equivalent practical experience.
  • Advanced English skills.

Nice to have:

  • Proficiency in both Android and iOS application development.

What we offer
You will find here not only a challenging and interesting workplace, but also a rewarding work experience, with competitive compensation and benefit packages:

  • A dynamic and multinational environment with dedicated professionals who are ready to share their knowledge with you;
  • Soft skills and technical training for current and emerging products and technologies;
  • Career development: opportunity to grow within the team;
  • Special referral bonuses for recommending your friends;
  • Private Medical subscription;
  • A monthly budget for flexible benefits program that includes meal tickets, sport & wellness, telecom & electronics, children & parents, holiday & culture, tourism;
  • Extra vacation days;
  • Flexible working hours and work from home, aligned with project needs;
  • Friendly team who is eager to meet you.

Diversity & Inclusion
Here at the Stefanini Group, we value plurality and equity, regardless of race, sexual orientation, disability, age, ancestry, religion, gender, and nationality. We understand and encourage the importance of being you!

What's next?
It's best to apply today, because job postings can be taken down and we wouldn't want you to miss this opportunity.

The recruitment process starts with an HR discussion, followed by a technical test and a final talk with the hiring manager.

About us
We are a Brazilian company with over 35 years of experience in delivering IT services worldwide, ranging from IT outsourcing to application development or IT staffing. We have a direct presence in 41 countries, through our 70 offices located throughout the world. We have managed to become the preferred partner of many small-to-midsize local and regional companies as well. Most of our clients come from industries such as financial services, manufacturing, telecommunications, chemical, services, technology, the public sector, and utilities.


Ceai / cafea / snacksuri

Acces la biblioteca companiei și alte resurse

Tichete de masă

Zonă de recreere

Abonament sală de sport

Team - building

Cursuri de limbi străine


Asigurare medicală privată

Zile suplimentare de concediu

Acoperire costuri certificări profesionale

Echilibru viață personală / profesională

Despre companie

About Stefanini Moldova

Stefanini Group is a multinational company of Brazilian origin, and the subsidiary Stefanini Moldova specializes in the delivery of IT support services and software development, operating in the IT field for over 34 years, with a presence in over 40 countries. From the center in Chișinău, we offer support in various fields such as E-commerce, Health, Telecommunications and Automotive, for top clients from all over the world. “We are big enough to have an international environment, but we also enjoy the local specifics, having local management in Chișinău.”

Our opportunities are for professionals at all stages of seniority, for our Digital Workplace and Application Development centers.

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0 star star star star star 0 recenzii

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Adresa postului vacant
Chișinău, Centru, str. Sfatul Țării 29
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