Publicat Ieri

Finance Data Solutions Analyst

Informații de bază

Program de lucru:
Profesional Tehnic
Entry-Level (< 2 ani), Mid-Level (2-5 ani)

Descrierea poziției vacante

Orange Moldova is looking for a new colleague to fill in the position of Finance Data Solutions Analyst.

This objective is to play a pivotal part in transforming our finance operations through automation and digitalization initiatives. You will be responsible for identifying opportunities, implementing solutions, and driving efficiency and improvements.

what you will be doing:

  • conduct a detailed examination of every aspect of our finance flows and collaborate with cross-functional teams, collect and analyze relevant data to identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, weaknesses, and opportunities for optimization
  • identify areas where automation and digitization can bring efficiencies, cost savings, and process improvements
  • prepare "as-is" and “to-be” analysis and present it to the stakeholders
  • collaborate with internal and /or Group teams for the redesign and optimization of processes and tools
  • prepare functional and user specifications
  • plan and implement optimization projects, ensuring they are delivered on time and within budget
  • build some automations and reports independently
  • monitor and report progress to management and other involved stakeholders
  • provide training and guidance to team members and end-users on new automation tools and processes

what we are looking for:

  • bachelor's degree in a relevant field (e.g., Information Technology, Finance, Accounting, Supply Chain Management, Business Administration); a master's degree is a plus
  • strong understanding of operations and best practices in finance
  • proven experience in automation, process improvement, and digitization projects
  • proficiency in automation tools and technologies, such as RPA platforms, data analytics (Excel, Power Query, VBA, etc.), and workflow automation
  • experience in using specific software tools, such as ERP, WMS, TMS and visualization tools (Power BI, Qlik view, etc.)
  • project management skills
  • strong analytical and data interpretation skills
  • effective communication skills and the ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams
  • results-driven mindset with a focus on delivering measurable business improvements
  • creativity, actively seek to improve, offer new and different options to solve problems, think “outside the box”, take an interest in new ideas and new ways of doing things
  • good knowledge of Business English

We invite you to join Orange for a unique learning and working experience, with great potential for growth in an innovative environment. 

We will be happy to welcome you into a young and dynamic team!

Orange Moldova 

Str. Alba Iulia 75, Chişinău, Moldova

Despre companie

Să lucrezi la Orange reprezintă o experiență unică din punct de vedere digital şi uman, identică cu cea pe care o oferim clienților noștri, pentru că ascultăm şi răspundem.

La Orange oferim oportunităţi egale pentru toţi candidaţii, indiferent de sex, vârstă, religie, apartenenţă etnică, orientare politică, sexuală și de orice alt gen. Diversitatea este factorul cheie al succesului nostru. Talentul şi motivaţia angajatului stau în centrul acţiunilor noastre.

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Citiți în întregime
7244 13-11-2023


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