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Truck dispatch After hours

Informații de bază
de la 1 500 USD
Program de lucru:
Full-time, Tură de noapte, Doar seara
Studenți, Entry-Level (< 2 ani), Mid-Level (2-5 ani)
Botanica, Centru, Chișinău

Descrierea poziției vacante

An afterhours dispatcher is responsible for overseeing, ensuring, and following up on the execution of loads, while also serving as the main point of contact for drivers and others involved in the logistics chain.

5PM-8AM EST Monday - Friday.
24hrs Sat and Sun.


  • On call support: An afterhours dispatcher is always ready to assist drivers and quickly resolve any issues. If they don't have a solution, they'll connect with someone who does. They're also available for broker calls and provide timely updates.
  • Email verification: The afterhours dispatcher continuously monitors the company’s email inbox and is prepared to respond promptly to broker requests.
  • Pick-up verification: After each pick-up, the afterhours dispatcher requests photos of the BOL, load, and seal from the driver. They review the BOL to ensure that the delivery destination and PO#/case count match the RC. If there are any discrepancies, they promptly notify the broker and follow up for a quick resolution.
  • Delivery verification: After a load is delivered, the afterhours dispatcher requests the POD from the driver and checks for a signature and that the POD is clean. If there’s a rejected product in the trailer, they follow up immediately for a quick resolution.
  • Following up on delays at facilities: When a truck is delayed at the shipper or receiver for more than 2 hours, the afterhours dispatcher informs the broker about the detention and checks with the shipper to either expedite the process or understand the cause of the delay.
  • Transit verification: We regularly monitor driver locations to prevent delays and, if they occur, adjust the driver’s schedule to minimize time and cost losses.
  • Payments: For lumper/pallet fees, always request approval from the broker first. If there's no response, provide the driver with a money code, request a receipt, and follow up with the broker for reimbursement. For washouts required by RC, send the driver a money code and request a receipt, which should be forwarded to accounting.
  • Accident reporting: In the event of a minor accident, we will gather and forward the following

information to safety:

  • Accident date and time
  • Driver's first and last name
  • Truck and trailer number
  • Location
  • Driver's description of the accident
  • Photos of:
    - Damage to all involved vehicles (as many as possible)
    - Other truck's company MC#, DOT #, Unit #, License Plate #
    - Other vehicle's registration and certificate of insurance
  • Did the driver receive a ticket/citation? (Yes/No)
  • Was there a tow-away on the scene? (Yes/No)
  • Was there any bodily injury? (Yes/No)

Cooperating with the main dispatcher: Our goal is to ensure the company delivers excellent service to customers 24/7. To achieve this, it's crucial that information is effectively communicated between shifts.

At the start of the shift, the afterhours dispatcher should have:

  • RC for the scheduled loads
  • Current driver status (e.g., Rolling to PU, At the DEL)

 Any special instructions (e.g., Blind Shipment, Team load for solo, Swap Trailers, Legend)

At the end of the shift, the afterhours team will provide an update on all payments made and optionally include status logs from the tracking board.

Recenziile companiei

Evaluează compania:
0 star star star star star 0 recenzii


Adresa postului vacant
Chișinău, Botanica, str. Valea Trandafirilor 20

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