Publicat Ieri

QA Automation Engineer - Mid Level

Informații de bază

de la 500 EUR
Program de lucru:
Mid-Level (2-5 ani)

Descrierea poziției vacante

Job Description
At Fagura, we believe in a world where everyone is an entrepreneur. Our mission is to support 1 million entrepreneurs through a financial ecosystem that provides instant access to capital and personalized resources for business development. As a QA Automation Engineer at Fagura, you will play a crucial role in achieving this vision by ensuring the quality of our software products. You will be responsible for developing and implementing automated tests, working closely with the development team to test and validate the implemented functionalities. Through your work, you will ensure that our technical solutions are robust and meet the highest quality standards, thereby supporting entrepreneurs worldwide. You will also play an essential role in optimizing testing processes and improving the testing environment. At Fagura, we offer our most efficient team members the opportunity to participate in the ESOP and Stock Award program, becoming co-owners of the platform and fully sharing in our common success. Alongside a dynamic and dedicated team, you will have the opportunity to contribute to a mission of global impact and grow professionally.


  • Creating automated tests;
  • Documenting tasks;
  • Testing functionalities;
  • Validating tasks;
  • Reporting defects;
  • Optimizing testing processes;
  • Collaborating with developers;
  • Evaluating risks;
  • Participating in planning;
  • Maintaining the testing environment.

Required Qualifications:

  • At least 2 years of experience in automated testing and QA;
  • Solid knowledge in creating and managing automated tests;
  • Experience with testing tools such as Selenium, JUnit, or similar;
  • Excellent documentation and technical communication skills;
  • Experience in collaborating with software development teams;
  • Knowledge of programming languages used in automated testing (e.g., Java, Python);
  • Attention to detail and the ability to identify and assess risks;
  • Fluency in English - an advantage.

We Offer:

  • Competitive salary in the range of 500 - 1500 euros, depending on experience and skills;
  • Performance-based bonuses and achievement of objectives;
  • Opportunity to advance to senior roles in the QA team;
  • ESOP and Stock Award program for the most efficient team members, offering you the chance to become a co-owner of the Fagura platform;
  • Office work in Chișinău;
  • Team building events in Moldova and Romania.

Apply at by September 30, 2024, 22:00.

Abilități cheie
Java Python) Solid knowledge in creating and managing automate At least 2 years of experience in automated testin Excellent documentation and technical communicati Experience with testing tools such as Selenium Knowledge of programming languages used in automa Experience in collaborating with software develop or similar JUnit Attention to detail and the ability to identify a Fluency in English - an advantage


Ceai / cafea / snacksuri

Zonă de recreere

Team - building


Program flexibil

Recompensarea loialității

Personalizarea beneficiilor

Oferirea unor acțiuni la companie

Validarea competențelor prin promovări

Despre companie

Te vrem în FaguraTeam!

La Fagura, credem într-o lume în care fiecare este antreprenor. Misiunea noastră este de a sprijini 1 milion de antreprenori prin intermediul unui ecosistem financiar care oferă acces instant la capital și resurse personalizate pentru dezvoltarea afacerii.

Foto și video

Recenziile companiei

Evaluează compania:
0 star star star star star 0 recenzii


Adresa postului vacant
Chișinău, Centru
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