Publicat Recent

Technical Support Engineer

Informații de bază

Program de lucru:
Full-time, În ture, Program flexibil
Entry-Level (< 2 ani), Mid-Level (2-5 ani), Senior-Level (> 5 ani)
Centru, Chișinău

Descrierea poziției vacante

Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd (NASDAQ, TASE: GILT) is a leading provider of satellite-based broadband communication products and services, with a focus on consumer and Ka-band markets. Our experience (30+ years, 1 million+ products shipped to 85+ countries) ensures reliable satellite-based connectivity solutions for various applications.

Job Description Summary
Gilat Satellite Networks Technical Support Team provides services and support for Gilat products and solutions.
Technical Support Engineer is responsible for maintaining, monitoring, reporting, restoring, and analyzing Gilat customer services and infrastructure.


  • Very good written and spoken English skills (B2 level)
  • 1+ year of professional experience in a network/IT/security setting (NOC, SOC, etc). 
  • Experience working in international companies.  
  • Technical experience in Networking
  • Experience in: support of communication systems arena; TCP/IP networking protocol; Sniffer analysis.


  • Provide Level 2 and 3 Technical Support.
  • Troubleshoot emerging issues on satellite, network, and server platforms
  • As vendor representative, collaborate with Customer Engineering & Support teams via ticketing systems. (no phone support)

We offer you:

  • Professional Trainings: online, external, certifications
  • English classes
  • A competitive salary and bonuses system
  • Office in the center of Chisinau (Skytower Business Center)
  • Daily refreshments, fruits, sweets.
  • Every Thursday tasty lunch with the company
  • Lunch compensation 
  • Private medical, dental, and vision insurance 

To learn more about the company please visit our web page  

Please send your CV to:

Note: Only CV’s written in English shall be taken into consideration!

Despre companie

Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd (NASDAQ, TASE: GILT) is a leading provider of products and services for satellite-based broadband communications. Gilat develops and markets a wide range of high-performance satellite ground segment equipment and VSATs, with an increasing focus on the consumer and Ka-band market.

With over 30 years of experience, and over a million products shipped to more than 85 countries, Gilat has provided enterprises, service providers and operators with efficient and reliable satellite-based connectivity solutions, including cellular backhaul, banking, retail, e-government and rural communication networks.

We offer you:

  • A competitive salary and bonuses system
  • Professional Trainings: online, external, certifications
  • Lunch compensation
  • Refreshments
  • Private medical insurance, inclusive DENTAL

Recenziile companiei

Evaluează compania:
0 star star star star star 0 recenzii


Adresa postului vacant
Chișinău, Centru, 63, Vlaicu Pircalab St 2012, Chișinău, Moldova
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