Publicat Ieri

UI/UX Designer

crown Companie VIP Top Angajator 2024
crown Companie VIP Top Angajator 2024
Informații de bază
Program de lucru:
Profesional Tehnic, Superioare
Entry-Level (< 2 ani), Mid-Level (2-5 ani), Senior-Level (> 5 ani)

Descrierea poziției vacante

Orange Systems is the IT hub of Orange Moldova. An IT park resident, with over 850 employees, that delivers advanced IT solutions, enhancing a wide range of activities and full cycle development, impacting millions of customers across Europe.

Orange Systems is looking for a new colleague to fill in the position of UI/UX Designer to work with our international partners.

what you will be doing:

  • Gather and evaluate user requirements in collaboration with product managers and engineers
  • Illustrate design ideas using storyboards, process flows and sitemaps to conceptualize designs and convey project plans to clients and management
  • Design graphic user interface elements, like menus, tabs and widgets
  • Develop UI mockups and prototypes that clearly illustrate sites functionalities and look like
  • Create original graphic designs (e.g. images, sketches and tables)
  • Identify and troubleshoot UX problems (e.g. responsiveness)
  • Conduct layout adjustments based on user feedback
  • Adhere to style standards on fonts, colors and images

what we are looking for:

  • Proven work experience as a UI/UX Designer or similar role
  • Experience with sales platforms, apps or tools
  • Proficient with Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat and Dreamweaver
  • Practical Experience in working with Design Libraries/Digital Styleguides
  • Creative, mature and autonomous person, able to challenge business requirements
  • Ability to work effectively in a collaborative environment to create top-performing interfaces
  • Advanced problem-solving skills and the ability to optimize data for the best possible outcome
  • Ability to prioritize and manage multiple milestones and projects efficiently
  • Experience with coding and ability to troubleshoot using HTML, CSS and comparable languages
  • Fluency in English

what's in it for you:

  • International environment and guaranteed work-life balance
  • a unique learning experience in our company
  • working experience with great potential for growth
  • competitive salary
  • benefits and compensations

We invite you to join Orange for a unique learning and working experience, with great potential for growth in an innovative environment. 

If you share the same views, please send us your CV today. We will be happy to welcome you into a young and dynamic team!

Working for Orange is one of a kind experience. Come check it out!

Orange Systems

8, Calea Iesilor street, Chişinău, Moldova


Telefon de serviciu

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Abonament sală de sport

Cursuri de limbi străine

Echilibru viață personală / profesională

Despre companie

Să lucrezi la Orange reprezintă o experiență unică din punct de vedere digital şi uman, identică cu cea pe care o oferim clienților noștri, pentru că ascultăm şi răspundem.

La Orange oferim oportunităţi egale pentru toţi candidaţii, indiferent de sex, vârstă, religie, apartenenţă etnică, orientare politică, sexuală și de orice alt gen. Diversitatea este factorul cheie al succesului nostru. Talentul şi motivaţia angajatului stau în centrul acţiunilor noastre.

Recenziile companiei

Evaluează compania:
0 star star star star star 0 recenzii

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Citiți în întregime
7906 13-11-2023


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