Responsabilități de bază:
Competențe și studii:
Profilul personal:
Telefon de serviciu
Reduceri la produsele / serviciile companiei
Mașină de serviciu / Decontare transport
Ceai / cafea / snacksuri
Tichete de masă
Zonă de recreere
Abonament sală de sport
Cărți de vizită
Bonusuri și prime în funcție de performanță
Team - building
Cursuri de limbi străine
Asigurare medicală privată
Program flexibil
Daruri pentru diferite ocazii
Acoperire costuri certificări profesionale
Pachete de wellbeing
Ajutor căsătorie, naștere copil
Echilibru viață personală / profesională
We are Moldcell - a mobile network operator in Moldova, part of the international CG Corp Global. Our company is a great place to work, develop professionally, involve in social activities, volunteer and make new friends! We offer you challenging and exciting days, in a modern company. We focus on your personal and professional development, and provide great career opportunities. We’re a group of young and talented people, acting as network engineers, call center operators, marketing, finance, procurement, customer or sales agents who think and act to the best interests of our customers. We are a team of men and women that aren’t afraid to get creative when it comes to developing new products and services or roll up our sleeves to troubleshoot a smartphone, tablet, laptop or any other network / Internet connection.