Informații de bază

Program de lucru:
Entry-Level (< 2 ani)

Descrierea poziției vacante

Business & Finance Consulting (, a Swiss consultancy in development finance, is
looking for a Recruitment Officer to lead financial recruitment projects on a global level.


• Location: home-based
• Input: full-time or part-time (both options are possible)

Who we need:

• An expert with financial background, either educational and/or previous work experience
• A professional with previous experience in recruiting for financial/banking positions
• A great communicator with strong verbal and writing skills in English (fluent English is a must);
fluency in Russian is an advantage

What you will do:

• Lead the full recruitment process for international consulting projects in the financial/banking
• Search social networking platforms (e.g. LinkedIn) for appropriate candidates
• Assess candidates’ suitability for project openings
• Conduct online interviews in English with candidates and write interview feedback reports
• Facilitate candidates’ further testing
• Oversee the preparation of all relevant documents for tender applications (CVs, short
descriptions of proposed experts, summary presentations, etc.)

What we offer:

• An opportunity to work for an international company with supportive colleagues
• A healthy work environment
• A high degree of autonomy, responsibility and ownership of the recruitment process for your

Interested applicants are invited to submit a CV in English at or via email at

Trimite CV

Despre companie

HR managerul companiei nu a reușit să completeze acest câmp, dar fii sigur, ei au o istorie super interesantă. Curând îi vom contacta și-i vom ruga să o adauge. Până atunci, vezi ofertele lor de angajare.

Recenziile companiei

Evaluează compania:
0 star star star star star 0 recenzii


Număr de contact:

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