Publicat Ieri

HTML5 / JS Game Developer

Informații de bază
Program de lucru:
Profesional Tehnic
Entry-Level (< 2 ani)

Descrierea poziției vacante

A UK-based digital marketing group is hiring in Moldova. After developing and releasing a number of projects in the digital marketing and online gaming space we are looking to strengthen our presence in Moldova

We are looking to hire a passionate & experienced game developer to work on our gamified websites as well as help build mini-games for our audience. You will work with an experienced design and project management team to build products that reach millions of users everyday around the world.

The requirements

  • Knowledge of Typescript or Javascript (ES6)
  • Experience with PIXI.js, Phaser, Three.js or similar Javascript game engines
  • Familiar with WebGL or other graphics programming API exposure
  • > 1 years of Game development experience
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • Basic levels of written English
Perks include:
  • excellent salary
  • company-wide performance bonuses
  • work with a very experienced team towards achieving globally-recognized success
  • opportunity to grow both intellectually and career-wise
  • central office location in Chisinau with an option to work remotely on a need-basis

This is a great opportunity to join a funded & fast-growing startup run by experienced entrepreneurs. We only work with people who are motivated, energetic, multi-talented and above all, willing to achieve more.

If that sounds like you, send your CV with links to previous projects involved in and a few words describing your current status (freelancing, full time employment etc.) to the email">
Abilități cheie
Javascript CSS HTML Gândire critică

Despre companie

Originally founded in the United Kingdom, identi is a performance marketing company which helps its partners acquire, engage and convert users through large-scale digital marketing campaigns. We also invest in a variety of digital products and are constantly exploring new opportunities in the digital media space.

We build our own software that helps power up our user acquisition campaigns. We are always looking for talented digital marketing people and web development enthusiasts to join us at our fun office in Chisinau! We speak Romanian in our day-to-day interactions but keep English as the base written communication language. Send in your CV or apply here and you will receive a call back within 3 days!

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