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17 June 2022 is the only platform in Moldova that provides you with advanced tools and practical solutions to help you find a job quickly and efficiently.
You can create your CV on the platform completely free of charge. The template has been reviewed and approved by leading recruiters and is optimized to pass any ATS (Applicant Tracking System).
If you're looking for a job close to home, you can use the digital job map — it will show you exactly where companies are hiring, helping you choose the most convenient offer.
Wondering if your salary is competitive? The salary comparator provides you with market-level transparency regarding earnings.
You can choose part-time, full-time, or remote jobs — all positions come from verified companies, so you can apply with confidence.
Access thousands of jobs updated daily in fields such as IT, healthcare, finance and banking, sales, student jobs, international positions, and entry-level roles.
Security and stability are essential when choosing your job. On, you can find companies that value their employees, offering fair working conditions, competitive salaries, and attractive benefits. Explore the best career opportunities in Chișinău and across Moldova and apply where your career can grow. is the first platform in Moldova to offer free access to advanced recruitment tools, helping employers quickly identify the best candidates. We provide a free trial of CleverStaff, an advanced system that streamlines the entire recruitment process.
Employers can source talent for free, and with a subscription, they benefit from employer brand promotion and access to advanced recruitment tools.